⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

Will we be seeing an Avenger Warder update?

When we get to it, sure. Right now Korba’s calc looks good enough to me. You can also play it with Peerless Eye amulet.

Avenger Warder should probably swap Turtle for Solemn Watcher.

More thorough updates will once we get to those builds, right now most of us are on break from GD.

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Thanks for all that you do! I will test out Solemn Watcher.

There are definitely multiple Reapers and Binders that cruise through SR 75-76 but I won’t argue on that since you and your community have some very specific requirements.

I guess to be more specific, is the trickster still good enough to be no 1? I’m split between trickster and saboteur at the moment, and as you mentioned, even the old guard like Thor Avenger has been nerfed to be the bottom half of the list.

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I’m currently trying to level the Korba Trickster but is there a leveling guide that I can use and then switch over once I’m high level? I’m level 24 and mainly leveling nightblade using AB, LA, Dual Blades. Also dipped into shaman for rr. So far been using Lokarr set but that may change if it starts to become counterproductive to fast leveling. This is my GT so far Trickster, Level 24 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator.

That’ll usually work til 94, Lokarr Set not withstanding.
If you want to avoid some unnecessary deaths, I’d swap that for faction gear around ~lvl65.
2x Ugdenbog Chillstrifes and maybe Illgor’s medal, Elena’s necklace, if you want to make the detour.


Max ABB and Lethal Assault with 2x Viloth’s rings, Gargoyle Gaze helmet and Igorr’s medal.

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Avenger Warder update!

This undying beast changed pants and also switched to more preferred Solemn Watcher in the devotion. I changed the ring too, but don’t worry, finding one with “of nature’s bounty” is not neccessary - it will work with any well-rolled Golus ring. Overall I would say that it performs at the same level, maybe with a bit more consistency because of the higher OA.


SR 75-76 5:21 run
Ravager 1:28 kill
Callagadra 1:52 kill

P.S. Don’t forget that you can find all of the updated builds in the first comment of this thread!


hey guys

Ludrigan Druid is on the first comment as the update, but it’s empty

Is it going to be updated?

Hey, we are in the proccess of brainstorming that one with Grey. Gonna be a much cheaper version in the end too.

Meanwhile, Honorable Mentions small build update

Cyclone Shieldbreaker update!

Just one small change: Solemn Watcher over Turtle for this spinning regening beast. Overall build became stronger after last patch EoR buffs.

<< GRIMTOOLS >> Cyclone Shieldbreaker vs. Ravager 1:13 kill Cyclone Shieldbreaker vs. SR 75-76 5:17 run


Read comment above yours


What do you recommend for crafting on warborn visor and avenger chest?

For Slow resistance and Freeze resistance.

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For some reason my -physique requirement is not putting warborn visor below the 850 even though veterancy is at 3. Is there another source of -physique requirement I may be missing?

There doesn’t appear to be anything else, but you may have low-rolled the Physique on the pants. If that’s the case, you won’t hit the minimum amount.

Well the GT here shows 849 physique but visor is equipped so wouldnt that mean it requires 849 or less total physique?

915 x 0.92 = 841.8 so sth’s wrong (on your side probably)

On my visor its showing -5% reduction bringing required physique to 869.

Ok, I understand what’s going on - you only have -8% with Visor already equipped (gives +1 to Soldier).
Some remedies:

Buy some i.e. booots from the vendor with + Physiue
equip the Visor
then change back boots to the original

or equip i.e. Fettan mask with +1 to All before wearing visor

or put 1 point more into Veterancy and respec after wearing Visor

or give yourself more Physique after respeccing with potion but don’t close character window (so that attributes are still in “edit mode”)
then equip Visor
then fine tune attributes