⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds in Grim Dawn (An Opinion)

Complaint of a pet player :ballot_box_with_check: so what’s left is…

All these glass cannon builds would fail miserably on Hardcore, where you couldn’t fish for LUCKY CR and SR runs. Play like REAL men and make builds for REAL players. I have a fetish of losing my characters with their gear on death and watching RIPs on Twitch which means everyone should have it too! FACT

Thanks for ridiculous amount of work. Although I know the builds from your guides and videos, I wouldn’t be able to compare them with each other. Now we can link this thread instead of scratching our heads when asked for the best build. I am a bit disappointed that no secret, unknown, broken build has made it to the list :laughing:


I wish I could like this twice cause you remember to write fact at the end fact


You should always end your sentences with “fact”. It gives them more weight, FACT!

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This is a buff list confirmed!


“Where is physical retaliation?”
“Sorry, but it doesn’t deserve mentioning.”

There are several very unconventional builds that we tested that were very close to top20. One example - chaos DB + RE Cabalist.

Maybe i’ll take a time to share them later.


Fun fact, the reason why I asked you for the retal warlord back few months ago was to try and see if it could enter this list. Unfortunately acid (and lightning once the public test went out) retals were just better.

Tho knowing that you pushed it to SR 120, I don’t think any build in the list went there. Spellscourge and vines archon probably can but no one bothered to test that far. It’s just not part of the criteria.

Nice list, do think it needs some pets though.

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Nerfs already rolling out lol.


According to “Elite Build Runners” - yes, pet builds do not meet their standards. Still think personal experience matters most. Trying to make ladder-like contestant game out of single-player offline one always puzzled me, but hey, that is how fun made in one of many ways :grinning:.

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Pet builds are not on the list because they are simply not impressive in farmable content such as SR 75-76 and buffed crucible. They do have their niche in steady SR grinding and should do well in higher shards, but that was not the focus of this list. We wanted to gather builds capable of fast and reliable clears in farming range.
From my experience pet builds can be tuned either as CR steamrollers (though there are better builds for that purpose) or slow and steady SR.

Pet builds tested for this list: Fire/cold/lightning/chaos Beastcaller Conjurer. Chaos Lost Souls Cabalist. Ghol Ritualist and Cabalist with skeletons.


I edited my response due to the disclaimer I should have read before I posted. :slight_smile: There are some really strong pet builds out there, do think the list needs some… but, hey, I didn’t out any work into it, so I’ll just go back quietly to working on my next creation. :slight_smile: And yea, I suppose everyone gets different types of enjoyment out of this game.


A certain someone who does not wish to be named mentioned that the list is about Top 20 Farmers rather than Top 20 builds in general and it is fair that pets did not make the list. Also that even if these were unanimously considered as the best builds in the game and Pets are weak, that is a cause to rejoice as it would mean pets are in need of buffs.

I was also asked to post this - :3


So many awesome builds, so little time.


“Nerfs are coming!”
“Nope. They’ve already arrived!”

It’s like the amount of builds shown in one day correlates to the speed zantai brings down the hammer :rofl:


Seriously. Pets aren’t competitive within endgame farmable range which is the main focus of this list’s scoring parameters. Some of their builds begin to compete in SR100+ though, as far as I know, but making separate lists for all ranges and all challenges is too much to ask (unless they roll out GD2 already).

EDIT: Sorry to repeat the same argument.

If I remember correctly, Lost Souls and skele mages were nerfed after some patch when Sigatrev returned from the grave with some 3:50-ish glass cannon runs. Maybe they still have some juice left but I doubt it would matter outside happy-go-glassy Crucible speedruns (in which category they would still hardly make it top10, I reckon).

Both concepts are long dead. The first one was based on a exploit that was fixed long ago. The second one kinda died with the helmet change.

Then how would you define scoring parameters for Top20 BUILDS as opposed to Top20 FARMERS? Even considering only the quality of “lazy play” that’s been promoted by a certain someone in the past, all those few-button Beastcallers still fall behind the top one-button melees (which, on the margin, are orders of magnitude faster)


I do get the sentiment, though. I tried to tweak some of my old favorites (infiltrators mostly) so that they fulfil this list’s requirements of sturdiness and all-round performance, and I did, and they did perform somewhat in all challenges. But then I tried out the top picks from the list, and my favorites simply did not compare. Pets are in a similar position.

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I really wish and would be most interested in seeing the individual point breakdowns for each build in regards to the 6 criteria you had chosen.

I’m also extremely curious as to what kind of numbers we’re looking for to be able to put a pet build on the list?
4min CR?
8min SR?
all celestials?
Please let us know so that we can test our build.


That’s the criteria, and timers/performance in all those modes were consolidated into the 6 criteria mentioned above. Read that portion a bit more on why the guys haven’t come up with a better rating system but that’s the best we could come up.

As for actual timer benchmarks, you have to be as good as the testers to achieve those timers, but sub 4:30 crucible (pretty sure banana does sub 4 on all of them except probably spellscourge who got its ratings due to tankiness), sub 7 SR75-76 (a good portion of the top 20 do sub 6 and I think blade arc dk even did sub 5), consistent ravager and mogdrogen with some defensive pharma (the uber tanky ones like the retals and spellscourge do zero pharma) @desioner

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