Top Sekret OP Builds Discussion

Cadence? Voldrak Crusher says “hello”, especially on Warder after 1.2.1 buffs…
If you play ranged, you should have some AA skill, right? Fire Strike/Savagery/RF - start with those, not Inquisitor. It depends on the build, though, but some ranged setups are pretty OK, like 2-h savagery Vindicator, or DW Rutnick Blaster with RF…
Yes, those skills might be subpar, but they still shine in certain setups.


Ofc they shine,savagery is insane in endgame,im talking about leveling early,voldrak you wont run in to until you are in your 30’s,unless you playing on an alt with skips,but the lowest lvl you can equip is still high
All im saying is that yeah,some skils are extremly inferior to others when lvling
If a new player picks cadence for his first character,he will have a worse time than playing druid in d4 lvling in s1 lol

I don’t get this. Why bother to make this thread and just leave a “cause I said” without anymore proof then the previous quote. Then use the tag line “oh not my build so the owner should post.” Owner :joy::joy::joy:

I mean even if true, good for them.

As for people quitting because of patches…this is just sunder in a different disguise.

As posters are fond of telling me…if the game is not “balanced” or being “developed” to your specifications…

You can mod it.

Edit: The capacity for a single skill to carry you from 1-100 in this game is amazing. I think I’ve done it with just about every skill except blade trap and bloody pox.

it wasn’t created by “op”, it was comments moved from the top20 thread for being off topic by a moderator

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As Gnomish said, It’s what happens when posts go off topic in an existing thread, the forum mods split it off into a new thread.

I suspect the title is a bit of sarcastic humor from whomever split the thread. :slight_smile:


If we talk about pre-lvl 30 - yes, there is a disparity between skills.
But respec is very cheap, right? Try other skills and find the strongest one for very early game.
And there are component skills too, they’re enough to bring you to level 30 regardless of the skill you leveled. If a player cant notice the weapon components he loots have skills that are stronger than his own ones, then he can blame only himself.

Maybe I’m one of the only ones but I never seek the fastest lvling skills. If I’m going to make a pyran sorc, I’ll just full invest in mortars asap

I’ve been doing this as a shieldbreaker, on a run where I’m not allowing myself to use stashed gear or experience potions or even faction writs. It’s been surprisingly smooth. I did have to use (Greater) Fireblast for the first couple of Acts. Planning to post a build guide when I’m done. I was worried it was going to be a slog but it’s actually been a lot more pleasant to level than several of the beginner build guides I’ve followed in the past.

Agree with @Gnomish_Inquisition, too, about Forcewave leveling. I did that once. Never again. Then I finally got around to leveling a Witchblade, went Blade Arc instead, and oh man it’s sooooo much better.


75-76 farming is an outdated benchmark at this point even for HC. There exists several builds now that can do sub 10min clears of 90-91 without really risking anything

sub 10 sr90 is still too vague or “inefficient” in terms of farm/items per time

the point about 75 benchmark is for it to “optimal” re time vs payout (and even then i still think 65 was technically the best Z said?)
since 90-91 is only like what 30%? more loot (if that much?) means if one is more than 30% slower for build’s 75 run it’s below a benchmark still
add to that increased risk and or time loss of dying for potential failure rate increase


I’m just saying that flexing your defensive stats for a 75-76 farmer is a bit weird when there are builds with better defenses which also do more damage. With those stats I would assume you’re trying to farm higher shards

suppose that’s the thing; no one has the faintest idea about what that secret build is and it’s true stats/dmg/clear speed etc
(assuming you’re referring to Max Payne’s/ “the 3.5 DA, 83%+ max res and 30k hp 10sec dummy kill + high aoe dmg” mention ?)
there is no reference or comparison point because what has been mentioned doesn’t really say much for direct build/performance comparison/re 90 famer comparison