Total Skill clear.

I am most likely not the first and neither the last to ask for this. I was hoping to see talents being able for a total reset when the next expansion releases. I as many others did not know you could not remove the class cap, and would like to do some modifications later one for more freedom around my druid. Both in the sence of being able to respecc for trying new things and for being able to specc around items i come around. I find it hidious having to plan my characters from lvl 10-85 too make the right choices. Inc being the newb that i am, not knowing how tanky you have to be in ultimate.

Atm 10k dmg, 400 armor, not filled up resistances and 5000 health makes a lot of death on bosses, and it’s hard to get right items without being able to reset the class bar. :rolleyes:

thanks tho :))

definitely not :wink:

I was hoping to see talents being able for a total reset when the next expansion releases.

with the expansion, pretty much all builds will go 50/50, so there really is not much of a reason to allow you to spec out of the mastery bar then, there already is very little reason now…

I find it hidious having to plan my characters from lvl 10-85 too make the right choices.

there really is no need to do this, I have never done so. I have a general idea of what I work towards, but along the way that might change and priority often does change. Respec your skills as you go along

Atm 10k dmg, 400 armor, not filled up resistances and 5000 health makes a lot of death on bosses, and it’s hard to get right items without being able to reset the class bar. :rolleyes:

and you are in Ultimate with this at level 85 ?

This sounds more like you spent too little on the mastery bar as it is. I am at least 50/32, more often 50/40 or 50/50 by the time I hit level 60 (and barely progress it after that point)…

Well, since you cannot change your mastery points, you either find other ways to accomplish what you want (you can respec skills and invest some of those points into the bar, or look into devotions giving more stats) or you can use tools…

Well, i am 50/40 atm in my build. I just find it hard to invest enough point in defence and in dmg to make it satisfying with my atm build. That’s it.

In Ultimate ? that’s very low and I don’t think removing points from mastery bar can improve that …

As mamba said, you can use tools like his GD Stash (I guess) or TQ Defiler to modify your mastery bars