Totems & mana

info says that totems scale with player DAMAGE bonuses, so i guess arcane spark wouldnt work with it?

what are the other options for shaman caster to reduce mana costs? energy absorb sounds kinda not efficient (never tried but still), thinking about the tree of life devotion since it also gives heal…

Yeah Arcane Spark does not work with totems, not because they scale with player damage bonus, but because they do not have a %weapon damage component. Actually I don’t know what happens if you bind %wd devotions to them.

A cheaper option than Tree of Life is the harp constellation. It’s pretty reliable overall.

what is WD? also, i dont think that Harp is cheaper… it has some things that i will never make use of+ the Tree also heals hp… i dont think the Harp have a chance to compete with the Tree :smiley:

WD or % weapon damage is damage that is done by your weapon. This doesn’t necessarily have to be from swinging it like with Fire Strike or Cadence and can be a part of spells like Callidor’s Tempest.

I’m not 100% sure but I remember reading that pet-scaled pets that have devotions with % weapon damage bound to them lose the % weapon damage component. I have no idea if this is true or if it also applies to player-scaled pets but I thought it was worth bringing up.

Other than Tree of Life/Harp which are both solid for covering for energy regen (though Tree is harder to reach but better). Ectoplasms are always a good source. You can also look out for sources of -% skill energy cost such as a Focused Prism/ the Seal of Annihilation or the Owl devotion. If you’re able to change your headguard or chestguard, you can also consider caster gear as they generally innately have chunks of energy regen as well.

MOST pet-scaled pets have weapon damage and therefore can benefit from flat damage bonuses and the %WD portion of devotion procs.

ALL player-scaled pets (including totems) do NOT have weapon damage and therefore cannot benefit from flat damage bonuses or the %WD portion of devotion procs.

You mean that if Maul is bound to Wendigo Totem for example, the %weapon damage is based on the totem’s weapon (0) instead of the player’s? That would make sense as the devotion is centered on the totem and not on the player, but it’s the first time I hear that. Would be interesting to have some devs confirm. :slight_smile:

Yes - you can reproduce the testing by comparing %WD devotions bound to totems and other player-scaled summonables with and without flat damage items/buffs/etc, which should produce the same damage as long as the +% damage bonuses are also held constant.

i never have enough spirit for a decent caster item, currently i have 385 (44lvl) thanks for the rich comment, will try ectoplasm… that means i have to sacrifice one of the resist since im using those +20% resist “upgrades”… aaahh decisions, decisions… and im still getting pretty tempted to do a phys/light smasher instead :smiley: or create a new one “necroshaman” :rolleyes:

P.S. reached 100 (normal) crucible with my 45lvl shaman, yay :smiley: but i did expect better drops… only 2lame epics (+1perdition part which i already had and with better stats), this isnt the place but who cares, (its my thread anyway :smiley: ) i expected better loot from crucible… i know its the low lvl one but still, im 45lvl and the chests hold lvl 35 gears… lame…

That is because you haven’t gotten to wave 150 and also did you keep the multiplier at x10 or did you lose it?

Not sure how you never have enough spirit if you are playing a caster. I put a ton of points into spirit while leveling and then when I hit the end of elite I respec my attribute points to be in line with my end game build or the build that will get me through ultimate. If you are playing a lightning totem build then my suggestion is go and murder the guaranteed hero spawn outside of burrwitch village just down from where you find ulgrim across a narrow bridge. He has some of the BiS groble effigies for totem builds.

i think i lost the multiplier once or twice but i finished it with 10x.

about attributes… i put everything into phys… :eek: like a… tank :eek:
im playing Vitty Totems (hah:rolleyes:), so i kinda need vitality items

using these right now… not sure if the blood drinker works with spells, but i still press it, just in case :smiley:

Anything with % Weapon Damage. If it doesn’t have weapon damage, it doesn’t work

so technically my twin fangs devotion has more lifesteal with it? :smiley:


i just tried the Challenger Crucible… barely completed 50th wave and was way too close to death (like 6 times) to try to continue :smiley:

P.S. and yes, i had elemental resists at around 76-80 and others 10-50…

P.S.S. i know, you veterans already got over the hype and the struggle of the unknown, but this is new to me :rolleyes: