Trading post always full and traders not shown up even traders stop on trading post

As a title and picture
Trading post always show full inventory and traders not show even he stop on trading post.

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Having the same issue. Trade post shows up as ‘Building storage is full’, but no idea how to clear it.

The building storage full warning refers to the trading post’s “limbo” storage. It does not affect the trading post’s ability to function however.

The trader not showing up issue can happen when upgrading it. Reloading usually fixes it.

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u mean relocate? if relocate still same issue

Pretty sure the developer meant to restart the entire game. I also had this issue where after I upgraded the trading center, the “trader present” icon was there but no traders would come. I restarted the game and the issue went away; traders would again come and go like normal.

Same issue, and if have to reload each time to clear it, that defeats the purpose of the game… the playability… Also, for people to know, what is the maximum storage for the trading post? Might put the x/y as other buildings have… ie: 375/750

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