I haven’t seen it in these notes, but is it now intentional that traders never match up their prices to be able to trade between them anymore? I have started three new towns in the last few weeks and every single trader is offering less than the other when they have items in common. We used to be able to make some money trading back and forth in the starting years. Now it’s so rarely an option, it feels intentional.
Honestly, it’s one of the game play changes that has made me want to give up on towns that have low resources like willow or medicinal roots. Before this, I could get buy for a few scarce years because there was a good chance of trading tools between traders or pelts or coats or anything really. Now, if I don’t have my own stream of things to sell, I’m out of luck for purchasing the expensive stuff for a lot of years.
I play on easy settings, it shouldn’t be this hard, you know?
In general, the introduced bid ask spread is so high that there is much less opportinity to profit from trading. Before there was the possibility to purchase low, store items for some time and wait until a decent price is offered. While I like the direction, I think the effect is too strong.
I like it the best right now. In the first place, making a profit by buying and selling is wrong. And I’m so glad that the price of the requested item has gone down. I like it because it seems like the real business prices have been set. Now, focus more on making what the village needs yourself. Or, you can just hold out in the dry valley at the beginning and produce gold to buy it. There is a lot of gold in dry valleys. And why would there be an L2 forager’s house? Isn’t the intention to develop and produce non-existent resources? Why do you blame the terrain? It is well developed to survive in any terrain.
Making money by buying and selling is wrong in the first place. You can produce all the items you need in the beginning, except in areas like dry valleys. There is a lot of gold in the dry valley, so if you survive well in the beginning, you can become rich by producing gold starting from Tier 3. If you’re only going to do easy things, turn on customization and make it easier. Resolve missing resources at the L2 Gatherer House.(medicinal herb willow)
Please update the hunters to only move one deer at a time. This alone would nerf the hunter and make it more realistic. Didn’t they reduce the wolf movement from 2 to 1 in the past? I don’t know why deer can carry two at once. And I would like to ask you to develop the bear corpse quickly.
Making money by buying and selling is wrong in the first place.
Read that again and tell me that’s not exactly what a trading post is for?? This game has always been very reliable to ‘help’ new towns by having some trading between the traders available in the early years which would help to purchase heavy tools when money and production and labor are scarce. I am pointing out that it has now become so rare that it has to be intentional, but I haven’t seen anything to indicate it was.
You post like your way to play is the only way to play. Can you please give some leeway to others that we like to do things differently and there is no ‘right’ way to play?
Do you use Show Me the Money when playing Starcraft? Everyone knows the cheat codes, but no one uses them. Foreign traders must no longer be fools. I am a dry valley user in hard mode. Still, it’s easy. I’m not asking you to do like me. At least don’t tell me to revive the ridiculous cheats.
You say that making money with trading is cheating? That is in my view nonsense. Many business around the globe build their business model based on trading.
The system now makes much more sense than before. One nice approach would be to set a separate difficulty for trading prices, e.g., by adjusting the bid ask spread for the set difficulty.
However, this is a low prio item compared to the performance. After 1800 people it starts to slow down noticeable despite I just bought a new and quite powerful new PC.
I think it’s a trick. Two merchants meet at a trading post, and neither of them is willing to trade at a loss. Transaction models also exist out of necessity. If I were a foreign trader, I would have traded directly. There is no need to use middlemen. The idea that PC performance drops because of population is off-topic. Since foreign merchants come to us, there are transportation costs involved. It affects the price of goods. So the price is right now. You act like a child who has had his candy taken away. But you know in your heart that the price you are paying now is realistically a fair price. Because you’re an adult.
Where do I say it it not going into right direction? But your arguments are as commonly observed in this forum always leaning to insults and based on a logic that only makes sense to you. Also regarding middlemen in trading, welcome to reality. Further, the discussion is anyway of topic, given that this thread is about hotfixes.
The developer has created an excellent pricing policy. This idea is because I think it is logical that even if it is a game, it should be closer to reality. Are you from space? I think the best way to get people’s thoughts across is to make them closer to reality. You have two friends, A and B. You have two candies. You sold a piece of candy to A for $3. After that, A sells candy to B for $5. right before your eyes. And still, A buys candy for $3 and B buys candy for $5. Who would you like to sell the remaining candy to? Is this logic only I can understand?
You can grow willow, medicinal herbs, fragrant herbs, mushrooms and nuts as well as berries and greens in the upgraded Forager Garden. In the drier maps this helps a lot in Tier 3.
I’m also dissatisfied with that. Why can’t animals be sold? The barriers to entry into livestock are also too high. Please lower the price of the livestock and make it available for sale. It is difficult to adjust the meat and cheese in the second half.
I almost agree.
I think it’s necessary Merchant increases their trading items. For example, Scorv doesn’t need to buy a plate armor, but he would be able to buy a goat (for pelts and meat). uh, then, Belder could be trade the most of kind of the items.
It could be better add a new face if it’s not match between the items and the industries.
And, I think it’s good idea the price changes depending on the difficulty because it’s just a choices for a player.
My idea is it’s able to set only 1 item as local specialty of the town at Trading Post: It’s like request system. Merchant put it on their buying list every year, and I can sell it by their rate. Of course, it different that products I can sell depends on Merchant. And I can choose the item from my stock (it be able to if I have one at least).
Then, I think also a player will be able to role-play as they want or make a plan of the town. And they’re freed from spending the time on Map Gacha.
It’s an issue for me I can’t sell the item when I want to do, so I think it’s good to increase of the opportunities.
But I don’t know how much affect it to difficulty of playing.
Agreed…feels like the ability to trade between merchants, as well as the merchants in general offering consistently less for various items has been a nerf for a bit…moreso in post-upgrade maybe.
Early game I could trade a bit of my excesses to later purchase ingots/bricks/etc that I wouldn’t be able to produce until a later tier. I don’t always track it, but I enjoy the occasional buy low/sell high aspect.