Transmuter or item skill modifier FX priority

In line with this change:

Wrath of Agrivix: FX swap has been moved to some Aether-centric modifiers for Callidor’s Tempest so that other damage type FX swaps are not overwritten by the transmuter.

It would be nice if the total conversion modifier on Conduit of Night Whispers wasn’t overwritten by Frenetic Throw:


It is supposed to look like this (not pink) AND be spammable:


iirc it’s the consequence of the new FX change system, so now transmuter takes priority, and they couldn’t really do anything about that?
i guess one way to resolve it for PB could be to not give the transmuter FX attached but save the pink for Demoslayer :thinking:

I honestly have no idea how FX priorities work. My hope was that some can be tweaked manually.

If I’m not mistaken the fx/projectile swap needs to be referred to in two entries instead of in one now. It’s a hassle and Z might’ve forgotten for some of the modifiers. Pointing stuff like this out should speed up Z finding all the ones he missed.


For PRM, a Wendigo’s Eye 100% converts the aether damage of Profileration to elemental damage but the fragments still appear cyan instead of purple:

proliferation is a secondary effect and on avg/in most cases aren’t affected by modifiers at all, so also not FX changes.
The new FX system allows this, so you could make a request to add non cyan FX separately as part of this item, but currently it’s atleast working as normal/any such change has to be tailor made per skill/effect/FX

You mean Wendigo’s Eye only converts the damage from Distorsion and not from Proliferation at all?

yes, this is the usual/normal (sadge) interaction the game has always had with what’s called secondary effects Secondary Skill Modifiers
skill modifiers, regular dmg or conversion doesn’t get applied to those/it’s treated as like a “separate” skill in a skill
it’s why we always needed global conversion for stuff like proliferation, gunner brimstone, blood burst, volcanic stride etc

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