[Tutorial] Bitmaps + playstation button prompts

Info specifically on how to do modify the ui was a bit all over the place, so after I managed to figure out something that works I decided to write this.

Following the guide on how setup asset manager with dlc is highly recommended, it extracts all textures in the game.

The intent here is to modify controller button prompts, but procedures may apply to other ui pieces.
These are the images I made, not great, but they work.
button_a button_b button_x button_y button_a_disabled button_a button_b_disabled button_b button_x_disabled button_x button_y_disabled button_y

First, in the working folder, ui\hud\gamepad contains the first set of textures for button prompts, these are the small ones that are used in the skill bar. The ones contained in the large folder are the bigger prompts used when you open the map screen or when prompted to talk to an npc or grab an item from the floor.

You can use the texture viewer to open any .tex here and export them to .bmp files for ease of editing.

You have to follow the same file path in the source folder in order to be able have the asset manager correctly insert the bitmaps.

With the .bmp files in hand of what you want to edit, I recommend you use an image editor capable of creating transparent pixels and save the edits at least as a .png. If it can save them as .tga you can skip the next step.

If you saved them as .png, you can use an online converter to change them to .tga so the asset manager can read them and create the related assets.

Then name the .tga the same as the ui element you want to replace and follow its exact file path in the source folder. Open asset manager, select the mod you’re working on, select the .tga in the source viewer and right click it so it creates the related asset, bitmap is for ui elements, textures are for the rest of the game.


If you’re not going to change any other ui element, you can copy the ui.arc from the resources folder and paste it into your mod’s resource folder, if you’re modifying another mod, you copy the ui.arc from that mod’s resource folder.

Now go back into the asset manager, with your mod selected, click the assets tab, right click the /assets folder in the left view and select build. This process will take a while depending on how many things you are replacing.

Once you’re done, just move the ui.arc you copied back into where you took it from and things should work fine.

This is the result of the entire procedure, minus the build step, it’s ready to have the playstation face buttons added to any mod.