[Tutorial] How to merge two different mastery mods together

Hi, this is a tutorial for merging two different mastery mods together. This can probably be applied to other kind of mods but for fuck sake I said I would do one and so I did one.

Since you’re going to mod I recommend extracting all files with the asset manager (if you haven’t already) before starting, just to be safe. As to not feel lost, use proper working/building folders to do so.

/!\ Be sure to have a working folder for all mods you want to merge, otherwise you might run into problems.

We’ll be using two mastery mods for this, as I believe it is a good example.
Those will be two of my mods because I can’t wait for Ceno to release the working folder for Cornucopia.

Mods in question: Coronus, Child of Rage (Unreleased and unfinished but works for this tutorial)

All pictures are hosted on imgur. Only links because I don’t want to clutter this thread and make people mad when they try to load everything at once.

Step 1. Creating the mod

  1. Mod > New

  2. Copy/Paste the assets/database/source(/resources) from one of the mod you wish to merge to your merge mod.

  3. Do the same for the second mod you wish to merge. Do not replace the files if you are asked if you want to do so. You will change them anyway. - My bad, it’s in french here.

  4. Inspect your merge mod just to be sure everything looks okay.
    Note: You can also do so directly in the asset manager. Reload the mod by selecting it again in the menu Mod > Select

Step 2. Modifying files

  1. If not done already, reload the mod by selecting it again in the menu Mod > Select

  2. Modify the skills_mastertable.dbr
    To know what kind of shit you’re supposed to put in open the mod you merged earlier that did not replace any files! In my case it’s EarthDeath.
    Open its working folder, navigate to where the mastertable is located ( most likely WorkingModName\database\Records\UI\Skills). Open the skills_mastertable.dbr with a text editor.

  3. Change the main skills_mastertable.dbr in function. Example here.

Note: Use your brain, I won’t provide a thousand examples. If you have to change the order of masteries then do it. Applies to every fucking thing in here.

  1. Change skills_classselectiontable.dbr (another)

Now changing the masteryMasterySelectedBitmapNames is more complicated. To know what picture to use navigate to (example: Working\mods\MergeTutorial\source\ui\skills\ClassSelection). Always change the extension to .tex and not .psd.

8b. Auto-creating assets is important. It should be done by default so don’t worry about that. If .tex files are located in the Assets window of the asset manager then you’re good to go.

  1. Don’t forget to set the correct tag descriptions. Where to find the correct one to use: (link to picture)

Step 3. Modifying more files

10. Onto records/creatures/pc you will find FemalePC01.dbr and MalePC01.dbr. Open them and change their SkillTree as needed.

  1. Modify the _classtraining_class(number/name).dbr file in records/skills/playerClass(number/name) and change the MasterEnumeration as needed.

(thought on a limited MasterEnumeration: It’s fucking retarded.)

Step 4. TAGS!

All tags are located in the Sources window of the asset manager

Tags are where all the text you see in game appears. It’s where all skills take their “names” and “description”. Having them is almost as important as actually making skills. You will need to change a few things in order for your masteries to work correctly together, although you don’t need to.
Most likely you will simply have to change the tagSkillClassNamexxyy (and by changing I mean adding).
Be sure to use the correct tags otherwise it won’t work.

  1. Don’t forget to do so for every modded mastery. Somehow some tags simply don’t work and you have to rely on the MasterEnumeration number of the mastery.

Step 5. Building your mod

  1. Restart the Asset Manager and build your mod! (Build > Build)

  2. Go in your building folder and grab the freshly built mod and copy it.

  3. Paste it in your Mods folder (not working nor building folders)

  4. Select the mod in the main menu and play!

It just works!

Hopefully this guide helped you merge some mods and have a good time. It’s not that hard, you just need to know what to change. Please do correct anything I may have missed.

Thread saved. Thank you for this.

What a beautiful language. :undecided:

These are just words used to intensify what I write. Maybe intensify a tad too much :rolleyes:

Yeah, I’m sure you could get rid of them and it would be understandable. :smiley:

It’s not offending me but if we have younger modders in the scene, we should probably keep the language PG.

I’m pretty sure you can understand that :wink:

Yes, it is known that youngsters never swear. Ever. But let’s not start useless drama now, I’ll let everything as it is for now.

I think a certain level of professionalism is a good thing, but I don’t think age is a reason for us to moderate our language. I’m guilty of being unprofessional, but I will also never forget the guy wearing cutoff jeans and a metallica t-shirt smoking outside the back exit to Exodus, talking about his $50 mil stock package. Or the $300/hour Price Waterhouse Cooper programming consultant with a Rage Against the Machine t-shirt on.

At the highest rungs, we’re allowed to be a little less professional. My Microsoft tech support team was allowed to wear slippers to work. I think you had to have something on under the bath robe though.

I think a certain level of professionalism is a good thing, but I don’t think age is a reason for us to moderate our language. I’m guilty of being unprofessional, but I will also never forget the guy wearing cutoff jeans and a metallica t-shirt smoking outside the back exit to Exodus, talking about his $50 mil stock package. Or the $300/hour Price Waterhouse Cooper programming consultant with a Rage Against the Machine t-shirt on.

That would have been me - if I had a good job or money.

I tend to have time or money, but not both.

I feel like that’s a normal trend, hah.

I have time and no money and look at me just modding all day and sometimes doing other stuff like a tutorial for GD.

Frankly I like it. I’m not sure why I do this, it’s not very rewarding, but there’s a level of satisfaction I lost after playing so many games for so many years in it. You know, it’s like working in a way, but it feels good.

If anyone wants to know what I’ve been feeling since I started modding here, just play Factorio :wink:

(this post is just an excuse to make people ruin their life on Factorio)

Could somebody merge Coronus mod and Grim Legion?

it’s beyond my iq …

I’ve put your tutorial on Kırmızı Perfect with all tutorial images are on page for an easy reading:


Ayy I managed to merge D3 class with Coronus using this guide.

Thanks a bunch! :stuck_out_tongue: