Tutorial on Twitch (Grim Dawn and FG addon)

Hey guys,

if FG finally releases i will stream it on Twitch for you ! I will go into detail of Grim Dawn and the new addon; Forgotten Gods

The stream will be about everything related to GD (like how to build viable characters and so on)
It should something for everyone, maybe not for veterans (maybe only my funny personal touch) I hope we will see us and i can help some people with gd.

My channel is: Innoruuk88

I hope i can generate some extra sales for a possible 3rd addon ^^ :smiley: haha thanks guys

ps. das ganze ist auch auf deutsch, kommt ganz drauf an ob und wieviele englischsprachige menschen im stream sind;)

Nice, will take a look if Iā€™m not too busy playing FG. :stuck_out_tongue: