Twin Falls / Tyrant's Hold bridge

Earlier today I was playing a bit again, and one particular part I love to do in this game is the area around Tyrant’s Hold. As soon as you get to the prospector’s trail, rush these quests in one go and then go back to the portal and inform the black legion that you killed everything before they actually gave those quests (also good for 3 levels right there, 30-33).

Anyway, while I was doing so I recalled CairnBridgeRepairGuy’s post - quoted above. And indeed pondered why that part is not in there.

Add a quest from Devil’s Crossing after making contact with Homestead. Along the lines: Alrighty we got a food supply in coming, but the path they need to take is very dangerous. Let’s clear out Tyrant’s Hold area.
-> Leads to reporting to the black legion in Homestead
–> Leads to reporting to the black legion in Pine Barrens
—> Leads to the existing quests

Upon doing those report back to Homestead
-> Follow up quest to repair the bridge between Tyrant’s Hold and Twin Falls.
–> Report to Devil’s Crossing

Bonus: Also fix the connection between Twin Falls / Four Hills (I think currently the only way is through Cronley’s Hideout at the moment)

How: Up to the virtue of the developers, but here are a few suggestions:
Tyrant’s Hold / Twin Falls:

  • Add a repair site on the Twin Falls side that requires a quest item found in act 3
  • Add a repair site on Tyrant’s Hold side.
  • Add a special bridge repair guy (player tribute :wink: ) in either homestead or Fort Ikon that you need to convince to come and repair the bridge, he would only come if Tyrant’s Hold has been cleared.

Twin Falls / Four Hills:

  • Add a dynamite side on the Twin Falls side.
  • Add a dynamite side on the Four Hills side that requires a large explosive - only acquirable in the Armory (like the other explosive)
  • Commission special sappers from the Black Legion
    –> Requires an extra quest in Homestead / Fort Ikon to convince them to do the job

Recap: Currently there is a loose end and an independent area in Pine Barrens and connected areas. Lore wise it is remarkable that people are apparently fine sending food shipments through Smuggler’s Pass and Cronley’s Hideout, and expect these to get to Devil Crossings safely. Adding a quest to tie these things up nicely would be a nice addition.

They are sending the food shipments through riftgates, that’s why the food gets there so fast. Pretty much explains why Barnabas is already talking about that a food shipment already arrived when you just did the quest to kill Ravna for Homestead.

I’m pretty sure this bridge used to be whole or that you could fix it, but at one point they let it stay broken. I think the main reason why it’s now broken is to not make getting to Tyrant’s Hold blacksmith so easy.

I think Zan said somewhere it’s because now the landscape does not allow for the bridge to be repaired. The result would not be very logical or something.

Althought I could see a simple fix: the bridge leads to a short cave which leads to Tyrant’s Hold, removing the landscape issue.

Woah sudden realization of how clever that sounds lorewise, though it does take away the excuse to fix the bridge :frowning:

The Twin Falls bridge has always annoyed me. It is dangled before us as a potential path only to be ignored because Smugglers is the only option. Yet we can reach the other side.
I fully agree with Smugglers being the only way forward - but feel Twin Falls to Tyrants Hold would provide completion to the world improvement aspect.
Ok, the world is not in a healthy state and won’t be happy for a long time (if ever) BUT every little bit counts. If there is satisfaction to be had in providing shelter in Devils Crossing then how much more so in building lifelines between areas.
Please make it so! I’ll even accept another 3 weeks delay before the expansion release if it means a bridge here.

For clarity… I don’t really care about the improvement to farming this may bring as I don’t really farm. My characters do as much of 1>85 as they can and hopefully take care of Log. After that my interest wanes.

Also - I have just finished the quest line on ultimate for my latest character and am trying to find ways to amuse myself pending expansion release (which is really very very hard).

Even so…rather see a delayed expansion release to get a more satisfying resolution to this particular quest.

Btw - that area beyond the broken bridge used to be filled with Grobles etc, as at some point there was probably plans to allow access to it via Tyrants Hold or some other bit, but I guess during play-testing they felt it wasn’t needed. And one of the later patches removed the spawns since I haven’t seen any mobs lurking there.

There are 2 reasons why the bridge will never be repairable. 1) it would make it too easy to farm Tyrant’s Hold which the devs didn’t want and 2) the area has changed from when it was originally designed and now it’s simply not possible.

This has been asked for many times over the years.'s+hold's+hold's+hold

I’ll let Zantai have the final say:

“Originally Posted by Zantai:
No, the layout of the world had changed as we worked on Act 3 and that bridge is no longer an option.”

There is a lot of areas like that in the game, it’s often revealed by fog-of-war bugs. There is a large unfinished area beyond Burrwitch called “Burrwitch Slums”, complete with houses and bridges. Or the infamous “Old Grove” south of DC that we will never access (or will we?). Not to mention some extra zones around Homestead that were left unfinished (part beyond Conflagration bridge). The whole area around DC is interesting anyways, if you look up on some very early GD map works, there is a lot of stuff around the place which either got cut or renamed and moved.

Guessing it came natural with the progress of the game, quest ideas changed, new zones were added for more plot/lore etc.

Silently wishing those unused parts to be refreshed and added to the existing game world one day. Maybe as a DLC. As a exploration enthusiast, the bigger the world the better I say :smiley:

Hence why I was suggesting a cave to make the transition. The layout has changed so the direct bridge is not possible but a cave would lengthen the trip a bit.

Also make it so the bridge repair can only be carried out from Tyrant’s Hold end

They are working on the expansion right now and should consider doing something about it imo

+1 to this idea.