Twinking Characters Discussion

every new player starts from nothing? clearly it can be done
might also be worth to mention several veteran players start their alt chars like that too :smile:

because RNG and not playing class favouritism, aka smart loot, which in somes mind is a good thing

means this subjective notion glosses over the part of not wanting to “twink” or rather play with the rng again, and to those that don’t want that they then have the stash option (or speed levelling option)
While obviously not perfect the systems ends up serving multiple preferences of playstyles, while a different system might cater only to some.
Another thing i think the notion glosses over, tho sorta more understandable, is the nature of ARPG being a looter game; you’re supposed to get trash loot so that you have the sense of RNG stiffing you and rewarding you.
If the game only handed you good items or only handed you items for your build/class that would be immensely diminished, which to some is less fun or even “antithetical” to what an ARPG is “supposed to be”(tho that last sentiment might equally be a bit shallow)