Two-Hander feedback thread

I have played with Hellborne Paladin and it was decent build,definitely SR 75 capable.

Hellborne + storm spread + x 2 Jaxon ring = beast mode dps due to the interaction of multiple projectile wps and retal added to attack… Jaxon wps procs for 40%retal damage per projectile :sweat_smile:

It probably isn’t an intended interaction mind you, and the value is actually higher than 40% if you use all the sources of rata for RF

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I helped a dude on Reddit a few weeks ago with his build I think it was fine, I basically just helped him get some more attack speed (My suggestion was Seal of Blades, consecrated wrappings and devos hange oleron devotion to azakara and 2 first nodes in jackal )

I could ask him how the progress has been since and if he could post it on here on the forums.

Paladin… Oathkeeper >.> OPkeeper. Sigh. Then again Warlords and Shield Breakers are the ones I’m tired of seeing. Paladins getting attention is fine by me. Should I just remove hellborne from the list, or do you feel some aspect of the weapon could be improved for non pally?

@Valinov are you saying Jaxon ring is fine? I should remove it from jewelry list then right?

@malawiglenn please do.

@adoomgod Hellborne will benefit from DA.My build was little behind on DA and OA,so not bad idea.But other than that is fine.

Jaxxon is perfect fit to hybrid retaliation/ranged build.You can check Lacrimosa build,which was yes,Paladin :smile:

What do you think about Raka Jax?

I think Hellborne was appropriately low on the list on the list because anyone can make a good Paladin with their eyes fuckin’ closed, but I am concerned with how the Grenado side of it doing. I’d be happy to see Grenado builds… exist more

I have had a couple people tell me Raka is okay but I am unsure if they tested it in Crucible or SR because I was pretty underwhelmed. I think this is partially an issue of primal strike nuke vs. spam though, which I and others are also pestering Z to tinker with hopefully.

I wonder if it should support lightning cadence instead, +2 shaman and +2 soldier and be nuke primal + cadence but maybe that’s too crazy. (Warder could use some love anyway)

I’m probably overreacting though and it most likely just is an issue with nuke primal being just a bit undertuned compared to spam primal.

Jaysus Criminey that Lacrimosa build O.O.
Removed jaxxon ring from my other thread lol yowza. That looks unintended indeed but for now it enables something god tier so it need not be on the list. If that RatA interaction gets patched out it’ll return to the list. I still feel like it could offer more to fit Valdun’s better but can’t buff that ring that makes that Paladin insane.

I will add 2 more feedbacks,if you don’t mind :slight_smile:

Stonefist,my Warlord use it for Forcewave build.It is no green build and does 6.30 with good piloting.Vire might side is underwhelming,though.

Blazerush,try that as melee Elementalist.It fails due to low speed and inherent low WD on fire builds.For melee purpose,needs higher AS and mod to Auto attack,like Savagery or Fire Strike.

For Grenadier,it will be inferior to caster versions.No CDR is sad.So make it either fully melee ir fully caster.You can’t have enough skill points for both even with SR set.

Perhaps “lightning to fire” conversion on fire strike?

On Savagery makes more sense,since 2h FS needs Bartolleum Axe with mod,not to fall behind since FS is not working well in melee range.Fire Savagery+fire WPS :heart_eyes:

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@Nery I’m curious about grenado on blazerush and hellborne. Actually I’m curious about how grenado does as a base skill.

Tell me more. Would those weapons do better by trading or adding a mod for grenado -recharge? Or is the issue deeper?

Sadly I can’t share much experience with Grenado.Barrelmith+SR set is fine.Cold Grenado Sabo DW with WD stacking is not,surprise :smile: Died on 154 against Kuba,it heals faster than I can attack.

Grenado works well in combo with Cannister in a low CD build,killing everything faster.As main attack Grenadp needs short CD in order to use Life steal.So melee type of approach right now is not worth it,especially on fire,cause 80% of let’s say 6 or 8k is not much(2h will be higher),so Blazerush needs to decide whether is caster or melee weapon.

I would not mind Blazerush getting some casting speed to serve as budget Shar’Zul purple MI weapon on Fire Forcewave builds.

That build is no longer possible in that he used the pet super charging to avoid investing in celestial presence. Skill points fucked

Maybe Nadaan’s Reach should get bonuses to Cadence and 16% attack speed?
Because if u wanna make us use RoH while RoS is recharging, remember that RoH has 1,5 sec of charging so it makes little sence to me.

It’s the only way for hellborne RF to work. The fire retal even combined with phys is too small. The total flat weapon damage without retal is also small. It can only work if you utilize this interaction fully, just like fire strike.

Also don’t forget chilling rounds.

Also I don’t care if it’s intended or not. I just want to have fun. Hate that nerf fiesta already. Runes have become trash and I hope gunslinger will not follow the same fate.

Lol there’s no nerf fiesta. More things get buffed than nerfed. Only extreme outliers get nerfed generally.

Anyhoo, how are jaxon rings outside of that build I wonder.

It’s very good in fire strike build. It’s very good in RF retal if utilize correctly.
I can see pierce RF use that. I don’t see pierce cadence want to use that.

Just one thing to change on that ring, replace that +%bleed damage to +%fire and burn damage.

That makes a lot of sense. Glad I removed it from my jewelry thread list, but will forward that suggestion directly to Zantai in case he misses it here.

I have actually utilized this weapon in a build (it was cold Savagery Vindicator with two pieces of Korba). I think granted skill should be a wps. It’s a real grugde to use it on auto-attacker. If I am to use a nuke that interrupts my auto-attacking thus spoils the chance to proc WPS, this nuke should be HUGE. Otherwise it’s a waste of time. So yeah, some cool wps would be great.
Also, base weapon damage is a bit low if you compare it to Sword of the Winter King for example.

Pardon me if it’s not the right place for the general feedback.
I’m building a 2H pierce melee tactician (my first char), and of course i examined the items that might fit in its final version. I have to say, the variety of customization for 2H melee is very low:

  1. Only 6 of 2H melee items are parts of a set. And none of them is a sword. Even 2H ranged alone has 7 parts of a set. How in the world?
  2. Relics. 2W has 4 relics. 2H Ranged has 3. 2H melee has 1 (one). And it’s not even mythical.
  3. Equipment bonuses and granted skills. Why does 2H have negatives like lower initial attack speed and one slot for component, but there is zero compensation from equipment bonuses like increased flat damage or higher chance to proc for skills from equipment and devotions?

Even if we talk about a skill like Cadence, with main hand dmg multiplier, its flat bonus from the skill+momentum more than makes up for it for DW. I found that the only thing going on for 2H melee in the current customization is Kraken. But at this point its not really a customization, its a must have basically in every build and its not nearly enough to make up for all the downsides.

Yesterday i hit lvl 100 and started looking through grimtools for how to upgrade my mediocre gear to shoot for a competitive endgame set up. Options are very limited and underwhelming. Basically the only real way to play self-found and reach a good level of gear is to go phys/aether and farm Krieg’s. Not what you call a customization either.

Again, i’m fairly new to the game but this is my experience so far.