these have to be the rarest ranged weapons in all of ugdenbog. there is one regular cultist enemy with a 1% chance to drop either and only some heroes have an additional high drop chance for arcaneweaver. i don’t think vinelton can sell 'em and early game when few heroes spawn there is basically no way to get these except hunting avris marrowill for a 20% chance.
I agree, farming either of these 2 is just a misery if you didn’t go hostile with barrowholm. Especially if you need boltthrower, as couple ugdenbog cannibal heroes seem to have much higher chance of dropping arcaneweaver than anything else. Before 1.2 you could get 2-3 of each before reaching coven, now? You’d be lucky to see either of these at all over full gloomwald/ugdenbog playthrough, if Avris happened to roll 1h gun.
Currently farming them looks like this:
Enter the world → run to one cellar → see that Avris isn’t there → run to other cellar → see Avris holding 1h gun → quit to main menu without killing → repeat
And when you after like 10 runs finally get boltthrower (not even exaggerating here), it rolls unfitting double magic affix combo, like corrosive of aether.
While I’m not a fan of having MI droprates so imbalanced between boss and non-boss ones in general, this example might be the most ridiculous. Boltthrower probably is the rarest MI in the whole game now, not just ugdenbog - boss/hero exclusive, with most heroes being locked to barrowholm cellar, and droprates being only 6.66% for heroes and 20% for that single boss.
that’s not a reasonable approach to arms manufacturing. they need to license out to all the other cultists. since my chars mostly buy gloomwald at least that way barrowholm would make any money at all.