UI Element Mod?

Is there any mod out that enables the ability to scale and/or move the UI elements around then lock them down? When I play a pet type (conjurer) I like my health bar and the pet bars in close proximity, and I like to resize individual elements.


Although I’m fond of the idea…
This would fall more appropriately under the category: “total game engine overhaul” if one ever comes to existence. :wink:

This should be possible and not too hard. I did a UI mod for Titan Quest which is the same engine I think. Check our my tutorial and posts on the titanquest.net forum. (I would give you links but titanquest.net is blocked here at work.)

I´d be happy enough, if we had another quickslot bar for ointments and the like. Yeah I know, i can switch to the alternate bar, but it´s not really smooth.
Don´t like to switch in-fight.

I believe the op was referring to UI elements being scalable in game and in real time. The engine is not capable of this without additional code.