UI modifications

Dear modders/toolers is it possible to change the UI as well.
For example the floating damage numbers, incoming healing, skill names?

Would be a nice addition imo so you know kinda what skills do the dmg. As well as buffs and debuffs.

(combat log trackers?)

Looking forward to a reply

Thread moved and approved.

I don’t think a mod like this is possible… though I know fully how much it is requested lol…

I wondered about ui modding as well. Something a bit more streamline like consoles.
Compact and simplify everything and scale it up a bit.

So some things are strangely hard coded and other things are not. If you look at the pets listing, we can change the icons, the bar size and location, some styling aspects. The menu on right we can’t change since it is built into the EXE file.

The compass/map does not appear editable, but almost everything on the bottom GUI can be reordered.

In order to add something, there would need to be an API available.

Has anyone tried to make the round minimap compass into a square?

I didn’t try that, but I did try moving it around, and couldn’t find any reference to the actual minimap(why did they call it compass?) in the dbrs, so it’s probably hardcoded.
And I’m guessing changing it to a square won’t be possible either.

Literally the 1 mod we need and is really required , we can’t make? gg…

No offense to the guy who made the celestial like devotion area but dear god is it a horrendous mess. It’s been a long time since i’ve gone into a game and thought “This is a mess, how in the world did it go through as is”.