UI mods?

Can be done? anyone had tried it? I quicksearched but ended up with nothing, I don’t know how to mod but I could give it a shot if it’s doable.

Yes and no.

You can edit what exists and make your own “skin mods”.

You cannot implement something that doesn’t exist, like overhead health bars.

I see, mmh and no one has done anyone?

Not yet…

well the stasher mod is a good example of actually pushing some game mechanics to their limits… and your own mod grim quest and mine change the UI screens for mastery selection

so there are some “boundaries” you can play inside and you can stretch them a little and do some fiddling. but the core mechanics can’t really change per se.,

one thing i’d like to know is can we make a super large char stat screen with EVERYTHING hehe

Yeah you are right, technically we do already have a few UI aspects that have been modded, I overlooked them because when he said UI mods I was thinking something along the lines of what was done back for TQ when we had several “ui” mods that redid the overall theme of the game’s UI from the bright gold greek theme, to a darker, gritty stone theme, and eventually a “bigbar” ui where the health/mana bars were shifted to the bottom from the top (better for clarity imo) to finally, the Diablo UI where everything was dark and smooth and “gothic” with the demon/angel setup. Cool stuff.

why can’t we mod the ui and change the look in grim dawn? or has nobody done it yet

You CAN mod the UI in GD just like TQ. But as Asylum mentioned it’s hard (if not impossible) to add major elements to the UI. You can pretty easily change the art, locations, and color of the UI but completely overhauling it, say like SkyUI or something, is pretty much impossible.

I don’t think anyone has started modding it because it looks and works pretty damn good as is.

Is there something specific you are looking to change/improve?


Here is a link to a pdf I made years ago detailing how to mod the TQ UI. GD is not much different and I think you could use this as a starting point.


oh awesome, I might try it out after reading the guide (proven that i don’t need fancy photoshop or corel skills, i don’t even have the programs lol)

I was just looking for something more darker and cleaner, like minimalist but easy to read.

Lucky you guys, Kirii would be the one to ask about UI stuff, and here he is haha.

I used Photoshop to do the TQ but really you just need a program that can import .psd files. You could use GIMP or even Paint.net and be able to do anything Photoshop can do.

paint.net is easier to learn for new users imho

I have a request if it can be done?

I realised after playing at the time 200+ hours of GD why I couldnt ‘peripherally’ watch the middle of the screen and watch my HP and enemies hp correctly without staring at only one of them at once whereas in PoE/Diablo I dont have this problem.

I can stare at the middle of screen and be able to monitor my hp/mana and enemy HP which also appears at the top in D3/PoE

I think the reason is D3/PoE use a HP Globe and GD uses a Bar system which imo is harder to track as it seems less natural for me

The UI ‘mod’ would simply involve moving the target you are attacking’s HP bar directly above our HP bar so we can easily watch the middle of screen and both our HP/mob hp at once?

this is an interesting proposal. can it be done?