just looking for tips early on to make sure I don’t screw up too bad. I’m not really one for min/maxing, just playing around.
was looking at this for a primal strike warder build.
Using storm totem mainly for something to slap a devotion on.
Devotions I have no real idea about. I picked a few healing ones and then just whatever I thought would help me in the damage department.
crap, totally forgot blitz… i have one point in that.
Are you going for lightning damage or physical? If the former, Storm Surge is has a pretty bad return on its investment, I’d consider dropping it to one point and putting 1 point into Wind Devil and 10 into Raging Tempest for the resist reduction (seriously, resist reduction is king on Ultimate and my Primal Strike Druid got a lot better when I specced into that).
EDIT: Whoops, forgot to check your devotions. You did thing pretty similar to what I did.
yeah i want to do lightning, i guess it’ll be whatever i find gear for at first.
right now i just have a few points into storm surge for the bleed, but dropping it probably wouldn’t hurt either.