Hey Crate,
I replied to a thread in which Zentai posted on the Steam Discussion for Grim Dawn, but I wanted to post it here as well, because honestly, I wanted to make sure you guys read it.
I’m sorry, but while I understand your argument, I do no agree with it. Diablo II had a toggle for creating a character with or without Expansion content 16 years ago and it, too, was a locally stored game. It was a game that people modded. Now, while you guys are nowhere as large as Blizzard and certainly have to protect yourselves and your work, handling it this way really feels like a slap in the face to me.
I picked up Ashes of Malmouth today when it released and took the opportunity to buy Grim Dawn copies to gift to friends so we could play together because I wanted to support Crate. Now I cannot play with them at all. I go out of my way to support your company, because you guys are a small studio doing a great job…and I immediately get shot in the foot over it. I hope you can understand how that is immensely frustrating.
Now, I know a lot of people will just say, “Well, just buy a bunch of expansion copies then.” Honestly, I would if I could, but that’s not in the cards right now. Maybe in the future I can do just that, but for now I used what disposable income I had available buying the base game and crucible and now I’m locked out of being able to play with my friends.
The reasoning for this is “Piracy” and, once again, the only people hurt here are the paying customers. If somebody out there is going to download a mod that gives them access to Expansion material and not pay for it, those people were probably NEVER going to pay for it anyway. Meanwhile those of us out here buying multiple copies and encouraging other people to buy copies to make sure you guys are successful as a reward for your hard work are the ones taking the hit. I understand you need to protect what you worked so hard on, I absolutely get that, but doing so at the expense of the people who support you and want you to succeed is a cruddy thing to do. I am not saying that is your intent, but it certainly feels like that’s what’s happening here.
One of the things I’ve really come to love about Crate Entertainment is the level of interaction you all have with the community. You take time to answer our questions and you do so honestly and candidly, you make jokes, laugh with us, and, especially on your streams, make the community feel like friends. In short, you treat us like the people we are, not just wallets full of money to buy your games. Not many companies connect with their audiences that way. The fact that you do is immensely appreciated. But this expansion/non-expansion situation makes me feel like just a wallet…
At the very least, I would ask that you put a warning on the Ashes of Malmouth page that says that if you buy it you can no longer play with people who don’t have the expansion. I think that’s just courtesy, so others don’t run into the same issue as I have.
Thanks so much for your time, hard work, and the wonderful game.
-Cripple X