Unbelievable damage from summoners, need some nerf maybe

:laughing: In the new patch, the summoners build was as amazing as the witch gods.

For instance, I saw a hellhound killed boss/elite enemy like a trash dog, deal 4632293 damage with one single hit. Images below:

:sunglasses: Benefit from such crazy-level damage, speed of summoners buildā€™s farm was also amazing, SR75-76 clear time was 3:17, and clear that within 3min , as said was :ā€œbe easily archievedā€.

Hereā€™s the SR75-76 clear video & build calculator link.

Build link: Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Video: ęę€–é»Žę˜Ž 1.2.1 굋čÆ•ęœ ę•£ä»¶ē–Æē‹—éŖ·é«…ē§˜ęœÆ 75-76 3分17s_哔哩哔哩bilibili

(You may have problem with open this video link from CN community.


Wish you have fun~

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By the way, if you may notice ,in the video boss named Bennā€™Jahr the Colossal only survived 4~5 seconds.

images below:

They already made nerfs, i think attack speed helped the damage. Now its slower so damage is less

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:sunglasses: ā€œNow its slower so damage is lessā€, well, this is now, damge not ā€œlessā€ at all.
Got some nerf already ,yeah, but they got way more strong, powerful buffs. We can say the attack speed nerf didnā€™t change much of the case.

are you on latest update?


Yeah, it was the latest update.

Unfortunately akt speed would be a minor nerf when your doing millions of dmg with the pet skill.

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After recent updates, petsā€™ Attack Speed has decreased from ~180% to ~120% on average (for my 3 pet builds), which means ~30% less DPS from pet base attacks. As petsā€™ base attack speed reduced by ~10%, 40% DPS loss in total.

But the % Damage has almost doubled (70%~80% more), i.e., not only the special attacks but also the base attacks become higher than before. Donā€™t forget Veilpiercer and Halion. They both give Hellhound more Damage Modified.

Compare Hellhoundā€™s current DPS to v1.2:
base attacks - 0.6(AS) * 1.8(%DMG) * 1.3 * 1.25(Total Damage Modified) = 1.75, almost double
special attacks - 1.8(%DMG) * 1.3 * 1.25(Total Damage Modified) = 2.9, almost triple

For other pets, AS losses and %DMG gains could nearly cancel out. But Hellhound gains too much.

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:sweat_smile: Wow, almost triple, impressive. Didnā€™t realize hellhound got that much cake from patch.

Remind me of three-headed dog, The legendary hellhound.

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I feel that the real culprit of the current (hilariously) overpowered hellhound is the fact that thereā€™s total damage modified available in 4 slots, which reinforce each other. Other pets either donā€™t have more than one of those (briarthorn), or none at all (the rest). Thatā€™s the main difference and if I had to make a guess is where the nerf hammer will fall soon enough.

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The Briarthorn is too powerful and too common in endgame while the Hellhound isnā€™t. So thatā€™s probably why they emphasize the pet so much to a point where itā€™s worth using

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