Unique Merchants of Cairn

Grim Dawn: Ashes of Malmouth

Hyram - Rare Goods


Race: Human
Faction: Malmouth Resistance
Location: Malmouth Resistence base near riftgate in Steelcap District
Available: On any difficulty after completion the quest “Liberate the Liberators
Unique assortment: All MIs below in Item Database

  1. MI weapons

  2. MI shields

  3. MI off-hands

  1. Blueprints for relics from magic to rare quality

    List of relics
  2. Other stuff

Comments: You can buy components of common and magic quality. The only merchant who sells aether crystals/clusters/shards and many blueprints for relics from magic to rare quality excluding factional.

Vinelton - All-Natural wares

Race: Plants
Faction: Beasts, neutral
Location: Ancient Grove, Feral Thicket
Available: On any difficulty
Unique assortment: All MIs below in Item Database

  1. MI weapons

  2. Jewelry

  3. Belts

  4. Blueptints on consumables

  5. Blueprints on rare components

    List of components
  6. Blueprints for relics

    List of relics
  7. Blueprints on epic and legendary items from Vanilla game


Comments: You can’t sell him your goods, but can buy components from common to rare quality. The only merchant selling blueprints from Vanilla game for legendary items and rare components. Sells blueprints on unique consumables.