Update on the v0.8.1...update!

Just wanted to step in and give you guys a quick heads up on our upcoming v0.8.1 update!

In short, this build is almost 100% focused on improving the game’s performance. We are at a point now where major issues have been squashed and we can take a closer look at where we can get more framerates out of this engine.

This is by no means an end to new features, content, and bug fixes (there’s more on the way in v0.8.1, and plenty more coming in the future), but we feel that this is a good time to address what we feel is the biggest detriment to your continued enjoyment of Frontier. As of this writing, we are already seeing a consistent 40-45% improvement (will vary based on system specs) to framerates on towns of all sizes; and although v0.8.1 will likely not be the last time we want to revisit performance, we are just getting started.

As you can imagine, this kind of work takes time so we’re not sure v0.8.1 will be stable enough to release this December. That said, we hope to get a playtest branch up by the end of the month so you can check out the improvements for yourselves!

Thank you all for being with us on this journey and happy holidays from everyone here at Crate!


Say when. Do you have any more information on the next features to be coded into the game?

I do!

Oh, you want me to tell you.


Our FF Christmas Presents may not arrive until January, in other words . . .

I would set for few changes to compensate for the next updates
-revert cobbled roads to T2
-close the gap inside the multi layer walls, tired of destroying walls to free builders
-add more slots to waste collector building, or add an upgrade so it can handle 2 or more workers.
-add queue list so prioritize works as intended, meaning a list where we can drag and drop or move priorities on buildings.
-add mini map preview on seeds before starting a new settlement.


Its Christmas for game developers too lol, have a good one. I know you said you all work from home so make sure they see more than just the backs of your heads :wink:


I would be happy with a terrain lowering tool. Leveling takes way too long to prepare terrain for building.

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I’m having a bug with v0.8.0, when imegrated people arrives, they are kept homeless although there are plenty of space

This game needs dancing bears

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Let’s get all the Predators involved:
Dancing Bears
Dancing with Wolves
Boar Room Dancing
Raves with Raiders . . .


Oh, so we’re not getting any new features ever again? Game’s just going into maintenance mode now, huh? 0/10, worst EA game ever, would not recommend.

I don’t personally have performance issues but I’ve seen a lot of games ruined by “tech debt” because they didn’t address this kind of thing early on. Definitely a good sign that you’re sorting this out now.


Err, you may want to reconsider your (unfair) criticism of the game…
Let’s see, you started playing FF around Sep 25 (according to a previous post), so you’ve been playing a game that you rate “0/10, worst EA game ever” for 3 months? Sounds like a prime definition of a really bored person to me. If it would be that bad, I would have moved on after at most an hour or so, and not bother with a forum for that game.

To me, for an early access game, FF is really good already now. Sure, there’s still a couple bugs, and I’d love better performance and additional features, but this game scores a big fat AAA rating already in my book.


““This is by no means an end to new features, content, and bug fixes (there’s more on the way in v0.8.1, and plenty more coming in the future), but we feel that this is a good time to address what we feel is the biggest detriment to your continued enjoyment of Frontier”” :expressionless: Jabarto is Trolling or needs help with reading.


It’s this one. Note the spoiler text.

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nice!I really like this game,I have played more than 200 hours.Good game performance is essential.

I hope we can get a Tier 3 or 4 update for roads to go from cobblestone to brick. I like the asthetic of brick. I’d also love to be able to upgrade the altar to a brick “floor” so it can match what I use it for :slight_smile:


Ihr macht wirklich super arbeit und ich freue mich über jede weitere Möglichkeit wenn ihr das Spiel verbessert ob Performance oder aber auch neue Sachen im Spiel.
Ihr habt wirklich schon eine masse geleistet in der kurzen Zeit und ich würde fast sagen macht euch erst mal schöne Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr wie man hier in Deutschland sagt.

Ich freue mich dann nächstes Jahr auf neue geile sachen mit denen ihr uns Überrascht

Kleinigkeiten hatte ich ja schon an anderer Stelle angemerkt ^^



Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen. Good Job. Erholt euch und freut euch auf die Implementierung frischer Ideen.

I think tier 4 should have gold roads like wizard of oz

tier 5 should open up stuff that is fantasy based like an epic Disney type castle
and cites that look like colorful fantasy with crazy giant flowers with faces and whimsical creatures.

something to really shoot for!

That would make me want to shoot the game… I want realism, not fantasy.