Updated Grim Dawn Soundtrack

Excited to announce that everybody that’s purchased a copy of Grim Dawn that comes with the soundtrack has just received an updated version that includes all of the base game music AND the upcoming Ashes of Malmouth soundtrack.

To download the new soundtrack, simply stop by your Humble key page for Grim Dawn and grab it in MP3 or WAV format.

Some of my new favorites are in there, so be sure to check them out. Enjoy!

For those that do not yet have the soundtrack, Skewsound will be releasing the updated version to coincide with the release of Ashes of Malmouth on the 11th.


gonna jam this all night long :stuck_out_tongue:

Zantai, any plans to release an OST DLC on steam?

Sweet music for posting on the forums :slight_smile:

I second this, would love to have it in my Steam library, since I didn’t participate in the Kickstarter (didn’t even know about it at that time, nor would I have had the money to do so, even if I knew)

Awesome re-release. I was wondering about the new music for the soundtrack and am glad to get the new content for free - listening to it right now :wink:

Very cool. Looking forward to this :slight_smile: