Upgrades now available!

Hi zyntex! Josh from Humble Bundle here.

You’d need to pay $15. Feel free to email me and I’ll get you set up.

Is there any higher to get than the Loyalist Edition now?

Could someone answer my questions listed above?

Does this apply to the $48 KS Co-op + Expansion?

Great news, i upgraded my account 2 minutes ago and waiting for alpha key :smiley:

Btw, thank you Josh from Humble Bundle…

You need the Steam client as that is what downloads and updates the alpha, and most probably the beta. There will be a DRM/Steam free when Grim Dawn is officially released.

The upgrades apply to all of the tiers. It’s just a matter of figuring out the difference. So follow the instructions in the first post. It doesn’t commit you to buying it.

Do I need to do anything to link my original purchase to kickstarter?

At this point I think all you have to do is set up an account with humble. Use the email associated with your purchase. Mine showed up on the humble account page fine. The current package deals are retroactive to the equivalent previous purchases.

This is wonderful news!

And great for people who could not pay the lump sum at one time. Or for people like myself who will go the extra mile and go up a notch to the top tier that includes the expansion.

!!! Great news!!!

That was very confusing, then again I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I do understand your squeaky wheel gets the grease reference though.

Nothing like axle grease to solve many a problem.

Thanks for making this available. Back when the initial pre-order was launched I was a cash strapped student and could only afford the “Epic Edition”. These days I can afford a bit more so Loyalist here we come.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you again.
All worked pretty fast!

Josh got back to me almost immediately after I emailed him at around 10 p.m. on a Friday night. Impressive.

I too pledged via Kick Starter, how do I get to upgrade to the 50 to get alpha?

You have to email humble support. the email is in the original post of this topic. Just let them know you did not purchase through Humble. if you have the email in which you placed your original order from copy and paste some of the information in the email. it helps and moves things along quicker. besides, Josh the Humble Rep that has been taking care of us with upgrades is quite fast and responsive and will update your page/account as soon as the upgrade payments have gone through. He will send you a link and the amount you need to upgrade to another Edition/Version.

OK, thanks, I forgot to attach the email I got for pledging, will reply back with the information… the e-mail is josh+grimdawn@humblebundle correct?

UPDATE: Thank you josh for replying so quickly, I am now playing the alpha and it’s pretty good so far!

I brought “Legendary” back in the dim dark old days (Jul-2010) - If I want the expansion, does it cover it?

Yeah, that is what i ordered originally. The Legendary Edition. Email Josh, tell him you ordered during but before the Humble Store became partnered. he will send you a link to click and you add $37 ($37 for me to go from Legendary to Loyalist Edition), add your card/paypal info and email him again a couple minutes later letting him know you submitted payment and he will respond back with a confirmation and a new link to your upgraded Grim Dawn Humble Account page detailing your order.

Its really fast and simple.

Still work ?