Upheaval/Feral Hunger damage discrepancy

So I was checking some damage numbers for Upheaval so I can go whine in the Blazerush feedback thread how much Upheaval needs improvement when I noticed something:

The difference between the two skills in terms of %WD is 1% yet Upheaval shows around 30 % more tooltip damage from the weapon. With Feral Hunger one level higher, its %WD overtakes Upheaval, yet its raw WD number is still far below. I’m guessing the raw damage number for Upheaval is correct but the WD % on the tooltip is off, cause it’d be pretty weird for a lvl 5 Feral Hunger to have the same WD % as a lvl 16 Upheaval. Regardless, Upheaval smol and weak, pls halp! :smiley:

I feel like Grim Tools of the character could be of some use here :stuck_out_tongue: or 8?

Don’t think which char it is makes a difference but sure: Elementalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

It’s 9.7, else I’d have put it in the PTR thread.

Is it counting crit multiplier, seeing as it’s only on crit? At 82% that doesn’t seem to match up though…

I doubt that, it triggers on crit on your attack but that doesn’t mean Upheaval itself is gonna crit too. I don’t think the game even factors crit multipliers into any sheet numbers.

What does actual weapon damage show as in game?


Ok so matches Feral hunger. Just wanted to make sure it was the correct one. Tooltip issue I guess, should be ~166%WD for Upheaval (as FH is 165% at rank 11)

I figured out it has something to do with Savagery.
They are in correct proportions if you don’t have it on LMB / RMB and restart the game.
But if you put Savagery there, maybe also start shooting, then suddenly Upheaval’s WD becomes greater.


Maybe it just uses savagery damage instead WD then?

You’re right, if I start a new session with basic attack on mouse the numbers are correct. If I then swap to Savagery the numbers remain the same. But if I then generate a few stacks of Savagery, the numbers break again. But, if I start a new session with Savagery already on mouse, the numbers are wrong from the get go without having to attack. What in the actual…


Ah GD, endless mystery. Will you ever be solved?

18% are related to Might of the Bear (the damage is lower when you remove levels from the skill modifier)

Thanks for the report.

This is a display issue and will be fixed in the next update.


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