Uroboruuk's Reaping relic

Uroboruuk’s Reaping relic has a nice skill that can be used even for non Necromancer combos. I would propose a change to the relic that it reflects that more.

Slight change - change the completion bonus from Necro skills to something like general relics have - % OA, % DA, resistances, racial damage etc.

Bigger change - additional to the slight change - remove +1 to Necro skills and give some additional bonuses to the relic - crit damage, OA etc.

Oblivion relic is already like this and this one could follow it.

Impurity relic could get % AS and % CS so that there is a relic for Necromancer that has those stats. And this relic is underused anyway.

But there is a problem that there would be few relics with +1 to Necro then… But Necro could get some love with a new relic…


I agree with this,
I wish we could get a good relic for DE-focused Uroboruuk build,
Uroboruuk’s Reaping is not going to cut it, it would be better suited for melee build.
That’s my take anyway.

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then take mortality or impurity?
like what… @_@
is this some weird “endgame builds must use lvl 90 relics” thing?

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kinda, wouldn’t it be better if there were abundant of lv90 relics to choose from ?

The difference between lvl 90 and lvl 60 isn’t that big and sometimes a lvl 60 one is just better.

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what Bas said,
what does the level of the relic matter when it’s the stats we want, and as long as those stats are good enough or fit the build?
we have like a zillion builds not using the 90 class relic because they have a lower one that fits X build much better, without actually losing much of anything from it

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