V0.9.1 Preview

Too bad for the cavalry but thank you for the honesty of the response and above all good luck for the rest of the development, the game in any case is a real joy

what about the new troops? and horses?

Hmm, any chance we can learn, when 0.9.1 will become available using the beta branch on steam?

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Likely soon!

Please, add the possibility to enable predators but not raids, or viceversa enable raids but not predators. Having little more customization would be very nice and I think I’m not the first one who asked this. :slight_smile:


v0.9.1 is available at playtest?
Where do I install it? Tuto?

No, not yet. Hopefully maybe later this week.


I ask it too. It will be really fine !

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Please allow edge scroll disabling !!!

I hope this is released by the end of the week, I’d really love to try this out. No pressure, just wishful thinking!

Really looking forward to the update.

I was hoping you all would implement a city-wide response to the warning bell. When the bell is ringing (when under attack), all the citizens should run to their homes or to the Town Hall, not carry on business as usual and get killed by the raiders.

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Not too much left of the current week - so lets keep fingers cross the 0.9.1 build does still make it to the public steam testplay branch before the weekend. Raider camps sound really interesting to try out.

I would love to see hunters taking boars down w/o the need of tell them to do so.

Makes sense hunters killing them from a perspective of surviving: for food and also preventing them from killing the villagers.

Oh thank god. Excited to try the new patch.

Well, Zantai said it “will likely” enter playtesting this week on the 15th and Zantai has been pretty consistent with those estimates, but who knows. The devs have been quiet for the past week, so you darn well know they’re working hard on it.


total support to this wonderfull dev team, farthest frontier is one of the most impressive games that i’ve played, so complete and challenging! <3


Ive been jones’n for a reason to roll a new map all week! Looking like may have to wait til next week. All good, fantastic game and looking forward to 0.9.1+


just reiterating the same boring mechanics that have been present since EA started.

Hello, I would like to know if there will be any improvements to the library, paper mill, and binding factory. The production, storage, and consumption of books are all very strange now. I have always been committed to encouraging my villagers to read more instead of drinking. I found that my villagers get too drunk too often instead of going to work.

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