[v0.9.3p4] No way to mass-unselect resources for harvesting

I’m not sure if this is a bug or a design flaw, but from what I’m reading it seems more like a bug. I’ve been told that I should be able to drag-select while in harvest mode and then untick boxes in the Harvst list to un-select resources of those types. Except it doesn’t work. The white outlines still remain on resource types you’ve un-ticked and when examined individually the resources all still have the “remove as target” option. Only by clicking this is the resource no longer outlined in harvest mode. What actually does work is using the Harvest list to only select chosen resource types for harvesting - its the reverse that’s broken.

Holding shift while using the harvest tool de-selects marked resources instead of marking them.

Not a bug.

I figured it out: only the left SHIFT key is working for this function. So now the bug is “right shift key not working for resource de-selection.”