[v1.0.0.2] RNG Spellbreaker, The Ultimate Blademaster Wannabe. 9sec fabius, 8min BoC full clear etc

Don’t have what it takes to be a blademaster? Haven’t gotten and never will get [COLOR=“Purple”]Deathmarked Shoulderguard because everyone and their sister wants it in trade? Worry not, you can always be a poser like me.

[i] This is a DW shadowstrike build focusing on cold dmg and CDR while still making the most of the pierce component of the skill as possible. In addition, due to shadowstrike+DW line mostly being single target, we seek to maximize AOE dmg by using both deathmarked weapon’s no CD procs and AOE dmg over time abilities such as flash freeze+whirlpool to trigger them.

Belgothian’s Carnage relic will reduce active cooldowns by 2s when proc on a 3s CD, main ones this affects: shadowstrike, pneumatic burst, flash freeze, whirlpool, mirror. We have 11% CDR from starpact in addition, so we get a double shadowstrike every time relic procs and a 2s or so cooldown when relic proc is down.

The idea is that damage output is so high that a 3sec mirror and flash freeze CC is enough to loldps out of almost any situation like huge deathrooms or sharzul enrage. In the event mirror expires and u still drop low, use bladebarrier as the oh shit button when it ends shadowstrike/pneumatic burst will be up again.

Finally special thanks to the same tall handsome individual who gave me a Belgothian’s Carnage, as well as inspiration obtained from various blademaster threads as well as discussions with blademaster players.

[v1.0.0.2]Video: 8min BoC run, with trash clear, killing nearly every white mob in the way

[v1.0.0.2]Video: 9sec fabius kill


Without +skills. With devotions. Not essential to overcap max nidalla’s hidden hand, some points can be moved elsewhere as needed.

LMB: Beronath’s Fury (devotion ability Assassin’s Mark)
RMB: Shadowstrike (devotion ability whirlpool)
midmouse: health potion
mousewheel up: Pneumatic Burst
mousewheel down: Shadowstrike (devotion ability whirlpool)
keyboard 1 - Ring of steel
keyboard 2 - Olexra’s Flash Freeze
keyboard 3 - Mirror of ereoctes
keyboard 4 - blade barrier

hold left click and keep rolling ur mousewheel down, this will cast shadowstrike everytime its up, and double cast when relic refresh without interfering with ur beronath’s fury LMB. if you are lazy u can roll mousewheel up and down all the time to PB heal on CD since it has a very short cd with BC + starpact.

Use ring of steel on bosses for the fumble, use flash freeze +/- ring of steel on trash. try to get in the middle of everything for your aoes to hit+lifesteal.

devotion ability living shadow can be binded to amarasta’s quick cut of whirling death

Shar’zul Tips: zerg, when he starts to hit you hard, pop mirror and keep going, if mirror ends and he’s not dead, pop bladebarrier when he hits u again, he’ll do alot of reflect dmg to himself, by the time bladebarrier goes down ur shadowstrike+pneumatic burst is up again, and you should be able to finish him, if not feel free to kite a bit - shadowstrike when CD is up, run when its not. keep up ring of steel for fumble when tanking

Fabius tips: drop a tp incase u crit his bladebarrier with shadowstrike ^_^. i only left 1 point in maiven to max anatomy murder since i don’t really need it vs him.

I switch to shadowstalker’s belt vs fabius but its not required by anymeans. Ring #2 is flexible, there are lots of good yellows/greens, prioritize OA/flat cold or pierce dmg/+1 shadowstrike/hp/%hp. Or use amaratan sigil if your lazy to vendor run.

Head: Deathmarked Hood sancified bone or leatherhide + 15 psn resist augment
Shoulders: Chilldread Mantlemoltenskin+15 psn resist augment
Chest: Deathmarked Jacket chains of oleron + 15 psn resist augment
hand: Elite Harvest Grips unholy inscription + 15psn resist augment
Leg: Empowered Legplates of Valor silk swatch or scaled hide+ 15 psn resist augment.
Relic: Belgothian’s Carnage - ideally with +1 Night’s chill
Weapon #1Deathmarked Claw Shard of beronath+black legion 30% reduce enemy resist augment
Weapon #2Deathmarked Decapitator imbued silver or coldstone+black legion pierce/cold dmg augment
Ring #1: Lifegiver signet ectoplasm +sanctity of mogdrogen augment
Ring #2: flexible, see above corpse dust or +sanctity of mogdrogen augment
Neck: Peerless eye of Beronath arcane spark + Kymon’s reduce enemy dmg augment <- very important, since our spam is >100% weapon dmg, this enchant effectively a free warcry with no cooldown or casting animation.
Belt: Spellbreaker Waistguard antivenom salve + 15psn resist augment
Boots: Elite Rhowari Greavesmark of mogdrogen + 15 psn resist augment
Medal: Blackstar of deceit black tallow or arcanespark

Note the faction green gear - you can keep remaking game to roll the best stats on them before you buy.

see grim calc, we maximize both cold/pierce portions of shadowstrike’s dmg by leviathan + unknown soldier, whirlpool is also a decent aoe skill that helps proc deathmarked weapon abilities

Leveling guide:
you can do prm/devastation or phantasmal blades/devastation. option to switch to obsidian juggernaught at lvl 58

In closing:
Did alot of theorycraft for going arcanist or soldier as the support mastery for this build.
In the end i feel both are fine here are the pros/cons of both:
DPS: Damage is about the same, arcanist nerfs dmg with maiven but buffs it back with extra spirit and starpact.
survivability: Soldier is somewhat tankier but arcanist has more CC and 3sec godmode.
Quality of life: Soldier has more movespeed while arcanist has better mana management.
Other: Soldier has more OA but arcanist has more CDR.

I chose spellbreaker mostly because im just not good enough to be a blademaster, and also 3sec godmode with mirror is super great for a big dps build like this:)

my gear is no where near optimized, alot of shitty rolls on stuff, random yellow ring/trash roll amarastan sigil etc. you can probably get alot more out of this build with better rolled gear.

Happy Critting.

I was deciding between a caster SB or melee SB…your build got me sold on going for a melee SB! Is it possible to give us a more detailed guide for the devotions? E.g. when to choose which node and when to unspec which node

Oh wow, you beat my top crit. I haven’t seen anyone post one higher until now, but mine was 265,228 while testing out different gear on my BM. Maybe the key is the shoulders.

Very nice build. I grew tired of my Spellbreaker that was phantasmal blades and was looking at dual wielding. I was trying to fit IEE into a DW Spellbreaker build but could not with wanting to max Arcanist and get Star Pact. I guess I just don’t get IEE at all.

I see you chose the one ring route with a LGS and optional second ring. I like the flexibility of it a lot.

Go fight Shar’zul again and pop an Aether Cluster. Let me know what happens.

heh i really wanted to use judicator, but felt hp got too low since i had a good LGS. judicator probably still very good.

lol i consider aether cluster cheating since 10s god mode consumable is… probably the main reason i wanted to do this was to showcase the value of 3sec mirror against stuff like sharzul enrage.

i just randomly saw the crit in 21 hours of play and posted it for shits and giggles kinda meaningless really, since if we really wanted to get big crits, we can max nidalla’s HH + overload and go crit stuff in normal lol. i did just see a 200k crit on fabius in the vid tho ;p

my nidala’s HH isn’t maxed and have 0 points in overload due to lack of points.

ps - how are you managing mana in ur build?

Since you only make sc builds, could you always give hc tips for each build you create?

Do the same thing in SC, except when you are about to die hit escape and logout real quick

I wonder how much damage you could do if you maxed Arcane Will and reduced NJE or something else to get the points.

I may try that out since I enjoy NB so much.

Similar to the crazyness I switched my 60 Spellbreaker to this week. Yet very different. My build is completely devoted to cold damage, not pierce damage;

http://grimcalc.com/build/m6zq8R with devotions

(you have no idea how long it took to find a way to reach Blizzard, Whirlpool AND Elemental Seeker)

The build will work fine as is in Hardcore also.

Neck: Peerless eye of Beronath arcane spark + Kymon’s reduce enemy dmg augment <- very important, since our spam is >100% weapon dmg, this enchant effectively a free warcry with no cooldown or casting animation.

Very very nice build!

However this part brings a question. Let’s say I would like to use this augment in 1 rings AND I would use Warcry. Would the 20% Reduced target’s Damage For 5 Seconds stack with warcry 25% Reduced target’s Damage when they happen to apply at the same time and make up for a total of 45% Reduced target’s Damage ?

P.S. I know that “Reduced target’s Damage” from the exact same source won’t stack (like 4 soldier spamming warcry at lvl 12 won’t add up to 100%. However in the above scenario, it comes from 2 different sources.

They don’t stack

for HC - use mark of divinity its hax, and careful against reflect enemies, 200k+ SS crit reflect is bad.

devo path - depend on what u are using to level. usually rush assassins mark and whirlpool to start lvling them asap. can do PB build with above. if going OJ at 58, then spec into kraken and remove it later

on arcane will - it has a CD that isn’t affected by belghotian, also i dont proc it enough , most of the time i’m full health i think

So the main weakness in hc is reflect damage. Got it.

Really wicked build, jajaja. I wonder if this build tops blademaster in dps - 9 sec fabius kill is pretty amazing.

I’m relatively new to GD, so I have to ask - Is that entirely sarcasm?

If not, what is, in your opinion, the best Blademaster build? Perhaps a link here on the forums?

mostly sarcasm :smiley:

also, probably dont farm fabius on HC, if u ss crit his bladebarrier on accident it might be bad

probably damage is close? i got around 45s dummy kill time, on ult homestead. i think defense focused BM’s are getting similar numbers? This build has survivability probably similar or better to the defense focused BMs. BMs can go all cunning and do more dmg but it makes them really squishy.

BMs atm still better offensively on single target, defensively your spellbreaker probably better, BM can still facetank shar’zul without blade barrier though.

I think dummy kill time can probably get close to BMs if gear is more optimized, as you mentioned your gear isn’t optimized yet. BMs have been optimizing for months so we have quite the headstart. For BMs, one of the big differences for single target is blade spirits + blades of wrath, that will take roughly 10 sec off dummy kill time.

The screenshot Trapizium showed had about 300 more OA and 200 more DA before procs with similar hp (about 1k more) and over 300 more armour. All of that should make for a better single target (bossing) experience shouldn’t it?
The spellbreaker is also very nice though with the 3 seconds god mode, and the screen wide clearing freeze, but I wouldn’t call the above squishy.

Maiven more than makes up for all the def stats u mentioned then theres mirror and OFF

Offense numbers arent rly comparable since most of our dmg comes from ss

Also trapezium prob has signifcsntly better gear as i mentioned before

Did you consider using icekorn talons and badge of mastery?
For similar OA we loose -resist but we gain IAS, cold damage and aoe.