[v1.0.0.4] Support meta, 2 mins Ultimate Mogdrogen

In case anyone is wondering if it can kill anything on its own or not, you can still solo with it. And its surprisingly tanky for a caster.

Also, I put all my points in phys. More HP and DA is better than anything else the other stats would give a build like this.

I’ve respec’d my shitty AAR build into this. Its less DPS but its way tankier. I can safely stand in one spot and throw bombs without having to scramble to stay alive.

Indeed u can kill but … its really slow ^^
You are absolutly right, full phys is the way to go, i used my oldest character to do this build and didnt reset my attribute.
if you really wanna play this build in solo i would recommend some modification in the spell tree, maybe something like this with max devastation / reckless power.


I was considering maybe a tankier version of this build that uses a shield and does a little more DPS that’s less focused on teaming, but still works great on teams. I was thinking swapping out clairvoyant wand for warpfire for the cold to fire conversion to make OFF more potent, and maybe find a shield that would offer some synergy with the build.

Maybe rework some devotions, drop dying god, work in something like Ulzuin’s Torch for meteor shower. Points over soft cap on skills like flame touched + tempered might not be necessary, I could save some points and place them elsewhere. Maybe grab Trozan’s Sky shard (assuming I use warpfire), or Thermite mines. I’m also not committed to Clairvoyants set. Outcast’s Secret would be a better DPS slot. I don’t need the Clairvoyant skill you get for 4/4, its not like I’m sucking energy like an AAR build does, and never have to use it. The 10% chance to proc 100% C/D, not sure how this works, but I’m not seeing this happen enough to be useful. I think you get an extra cast with no C/D per 10 casts of the same skill, or something like that. Overrated. I’d have to be spamming all my C/D all the time to really get an effect out of an occasional proc like that, and its likely I’ll overlook it and not even take advantage of it. Especially if my eyes are glued to my HP bar…

I’m not able to replicate TC’s results of being able to face tank Mogdrogen with basically the same gear setup.

Something else, is I don’t know why Clairvoyant’s set has to be core to this build. As far as the build simply being a Mog tank, it seems like there are better gear options. And based on my results, there is much to be desired. I’m not sure hungering void is worth it considering I can’t even stay alive when I’m not using it. I’m thinking some sorta sword & board setup with some more tanky devotions would get better results. Some more physical resist would help too. I’m considering trading out the gear from my 2H warder and testing it out, just to see how it goes. Then slap a shield on it. As far as main hand weapons go - warpfire. I’ll share my results if they’re successful.

About the face tanking of Mogdrogen you have to take into consideration that the BM use Oleron blood which reduce by 20% his damage and Veil of shadow slowing totalspeed by 25%.

Gearing wise, well at first it wasnt intended i will become the tank as i said in previous post, i didnt rework my gearing choice after using BWC since we kill him with the current setup, but yes for sure it will be better to go with more toughness gear.

I made some modificaitions to it. I got a green shield that gives a good HP boost + Physical resist. Impassable Tower Shield of the Guardian. Went with some tankier devotions, higher armor. All this helps. I dropped hungering void. But other than these changes, the skills and approach are pretty much the same.

Here are the devotion changes I made. Point placement is roughly the same. So I didn’t bother adding it on grimcalc.

The shield is a “Impassable Tower Shield of the Guardian” with 12% phys resist and some HP to boot.
The armor is the “Elite Devils Chestguard” - faction vendor @ devils crossing has it.


I made a video. I was able to face tank Mogdrogen for over 4 minutes, this was solo without any help. I’ll UL it later. Other than hungering void, its basically the same thing, just tankier.

I’m not a fan of droping hungering void, this is one of the main buff.
30% crit damage is a huge boost when you have massive OA and the 8% totalspeed allow my friend to get back his skills
point in Squad tactics for another 25% crit damage upgrade on SS with 22/12 Nidalla’s Justfiable Ends.

i didn’t know u can only kill him once LOL

i just fking soloed him on my sabo in 12min. recorder didn’t record properly


12 mins solo WTF impressive timer.

for trying him again you need a second player who trigger the encounter for you

but that’ll buff his hp for multiplayer right?

Nop when the player leave, the game readjust HP of mobs back to a single player.

Avatar can’t respawn? wtf why are the rovers not even slightly bothered

he actually respawn but u cant trigger the fight a second time
the first screenshot of the main post show the new dialog after you defeated him :x

Ahh so its turned into something like ancients fight before Baal scenario

hell ancients on hc was pretty epic back in the day

Main post updated with the research and result about the dps increase provided by a support

Special thx to Ceno who helped me to figure out the mob’s hp formula

I plan to take Mogdrogen on in a multiplayer session with a friend of mine. I hope you guys can help me with a few things.

Q.1 Are aggro levels different for different skills? Like does Cadence have lower or higher aggro generation compared to BWC

Q.2 Which contributes more to aggro? Number of hits or magnitude of hit?

Q.3 B/w a pet taunting and a Deathmarked BM’s SS which holds higher aggro?

Q.4 Is there any way to increase taunt’s effectiveness? (Wait, aren’t bosses immune to taunting?)

Some single player questions.

Q.1 Does this guy have any weakness at all? I mean i tried a pure DA tank and his hit chance was still almost 100% while even rashalga had a 69-70% hit chance. I think my DA was around 3K

Q.2 Are his resistances perfect (all 80) like the clones or is he less resistant to anything? I know he’s extremely resistant to his own damage type

I am mainly asking cause i find that the older threads are a little too old. So i wonder if he has been recently updated or not.
A pet build killed him not too recently in under 4 minutes so i thought he might have been buffed or something.