Wanna farm Gladiator without efforts ? Bored of your physical S&B Witchblade ? Well you might be interested by this build.
With a succesrate around 90% & an average of 22 mins for 100-150 clear, it meet all the required criteria to be a top contender for Gladiator farm.
If you have a leaning for super tanky character it also do a fine job in Vanilla content and definitely HC ready.
[v1.0.0.8]Video: 100-150 Gladiator clear (21 mins 52sec)
[v1.0.0.9]Video: Ultimate Fabius (~33sec)
[v1.0.0.9]Video: Ultimate Bastion of Chaos
With +skills & devotions
Attribute: 69/0/21
Without +skills & devotions
Devotions binding:
Tainted Eruption -> Dreeg’s Evil Eye
Wendigo’s Mark -> Curse of Frailty
Acid Spray -> Siegebreaker
Scorpion Sting -> Dreeg’s Infitnite Gaze
Giant blood -> Possession
Pic is selfbuff with Judicator up
Head: Hood of Dreeg (Sanctified Bone / Kymon’s Conduit (Kymon’s Chosen))
Shoulders: Mantle of Dreeg (Scaled Hide / Mankind’s Vigil (Black Legion))
Chest: Vestments of Dreeg (Hallowed Ground / Demonbane Powder (Kymon’s Chosen))
Main hand: Runed Dagger of Dreeg (Mark of Dreeg / Outcast’s Venom (Outcasts))
Offhand: Siegebreaker (Vitriolic Gallstone / Outcast’s Venom (Outcasts))
Hands: Empowered Handguards of Perdition (Unholy Inscription / Mankind’s Vigil (Black Legion))
Waist: Girdle of Stolen Dreams (Rigid Shell / Kymon’s Conduit (Kymon’s Chosen))
Legs: Warding Solael-Sect Legguards of Nature’s Bounty (Ancient Armor Plate / Demonbane Powder (Kymon’s Chosen))
Feet: Golemborn Greaves (Mark of Mogdrogen / Mankind’s Vigil (Black Legion))
Amulet: Black Gem of Dreeg (Focusing Prism / Survivor’s Ingenuity (Devil’s Crossing))
Rings: Open Hand of Mercy (Corpse Dust / Survivor’s Ingenuity (Devil’s Crossing))
Rings: Closed Fist of Vengeance (Corpse Dust / Survivor’s Ingenuity (Devil’s Crossing))
Medal: Mark of the Apostate (Attuned Lodestone)
Relic: Dreeg’s Affliction
Grimtool (original setup)
Grimtool (without endgame green)
Gameplay & Spell review:
I voluntarily facetank near 80% of the crucible content to showcase the toughness of this build, tho you can play safer, more caster gameplay oriented and kit forever while watching everything succomb to your dots effects.
Gameplay is simple even if it require some amount of key input, paint everything with CoF, use Siegebreaker/DEE/DIG has your primary aoe damage source, DAS for bursting resilient target, keep OG for difficult moment, maintain BoD buff active, use weapon attack/blitz to improve your RR debuff.
Dreeg’s Evil Eye: Main aoe & single target damage source with a 4sec CD.
Siegebreaker (offhand): Another primary aoe damage source (4sec CD), Allow you to apply Acid Spray & partially the %RR debuff from Open Hand of Mercy, since it shotgun x3 you can maintain permanently Acid Spray on singletarget situation aswell.
Curse of Frailty: aoe RR debuff, doing incredible work coupled with Wendigo’s Mark, apply it on as many monster as possible even if you dont plan to damage them immediatily to increase your HP sustain.
Dreeg’s Infitnite Gaze (component): Secondary damage source since it doesnt “pass through”, still decent due to his low 2.5sec CD & good damage.
Dreeg’s Afflicted Spine (Relic): Secondary damage source due to a “long” 8sec CD, damage output is kinda high, try to keep it for bursting some big HP pool mob or champions/boss.
- [li]
Weapon attack: Apply RR from Open Hand of Mercy in singletarget.[/ul][/li][ul]
- Overguard: boost your toughness by phenomal amount but CD is quite long, keep it for decisive moments.
- Blitz: Mobility purpose, can be use to apply RR from Open Hand of Mercy.
Some Crucible tips & strategy (mostly for beginner):
Wave#104: Be careful with Anesteria & her RR debuff, stay in movement.
Wave#137: Same things as Wave#104 but harder, try to kill everything else and finish with Anesteria.
Wave#146: The 3 hidden path Guardian, they have insane damage potential if they are together, stay in movement & try to split them with some kitting.
Wave#147: If Madqueen spawn, be careful when she active her deadly red aura, try to clean everything else first.
Wave#149: Dont try to facetank this wave, just dots & run, you should easily defeat any boss combo you meet.
Wave#150: Due to the high Nemesis combo possibility, i cant explain them all here but i’am gonna try to give a global logic to play safe:
Lowest priority:
Zantarin: Always keep him for the end, since his damage can be insane (RR debuff/shotgun), hide yourself behind a wall & bait other nemesis to kill them first.
Moosilauke: Another Nemesis in the bottom of the priority list, abuse is slowness, kill him last. (EXCEPT if Zantarin is there, he still have to be kill last)
Benn’Jahr: One of the easiest spawn, abuse is slowness, you can kill him in any order depending which combo you have.
Highest priority:
Maiden: Since she stick your ass like a cancer, we dont have much choice to get her in the high priority kill-list.
Fabius: Same as maiden, careful with his SS ability is applying a RR debuff.
Valdaran: he is a top priority to kill, his combo of RR debuff/shotgun is deadly especially if you dont have good lightning overcap and his swap ability can put you sometime in awkward position.
Zantai: my favorite nemesis & most lethal one.
Be aware of mutators aswell, some crazy combo can significantly alter your run , more info here.
100-150 Solo Farming & Tribute usage:
Like any top tier Crucible build, you can easily pullout an average of 15-20 legendary per hour and tons of MI.
An important point for efficiency is to properly manage your tribute to be selfsufficient with victory alone and dont waste your time on tribute farm.
Standard tribute usage for infinite loop (start with a minimum of 64 tribute):
Vanguard banner level 3 (25 tribute) + 2 blessing (24 tribute) + raise the stack (15 tribute) -> 64 total tribute used, meanwhile a 100-150 clear reward you for 66.
If you want to pursue you farm session, you can restart at checkpoint 2 time in row and perform 130-150 runs (5 -> 15 -> 30 tribute for each checkpoint, dont use the third checkpoint, the cost is bigger than a banner level 3), tribute cost are light & reward are great.
Final farming route looks like this 100-150 -> 130-150 -> 130-150 -> make new game.
Why full Dreeg set?
Dreeg set is probably the highest damage source for poison caster, tho it isnt mandatory since the core mechanic of dots caster is so flexible, kinda sure we can easily finish crucible even with 0 dreeg part.
What make this build so tanky?
Soldier tree (kappahead) / 13% absorb damage from possession / ~1700 hp regen with judicator-OG-behemoth up / insane lifeleech from Wendigo’s Mark / 37% physical res / Fumble-Impaired Aim from Mark of Apostate / Confusion from Tainted Erruption.
Alternative devotion route ?
With Oklaine: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-BpY5kx (be careful with this one without Rat we loss 23 spirit)
With Viper: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-Jj3l6V
How perform this build in Vanilla?
Like the intro says, you can easily handle the full Vanilla content & being unkillable, tho it is a bit slow for my taste.
Why Caster are superior to melee for Crucible purpose?
Recently bwc build (Commando/Sorcerer) are ahead of the popular physical S&B (Witchblade/Commando) for one main reason: Versatility.
Due to the high damage income of Crucible, you have to build very resilient character which leaded to the first Crucible meta alias phys S&B.
The main problem of melee character reside in their core gameplay itself: you have to full commit to kill stuff, at the opposite a dots caster have the highest gameplay flexibility, you dont have to commit to do the job if you dont want to.
In the end BWC or DEE build can easily handle the hardest situations where physical S&B can struggle.
I will take Wave#149 with Shar’zul/Sentinel spawn (probably the hardest combo for this wave) as an example, this wave can be particulary tricky for a melee character, most of them will have to run for their life meantime a caster can smoke his cigarette while watching mob getting melted by dots.
In closing:
Special thx to JoV, who brought his help & insight for the theorycraft part.
Definitely tier1 cruci farmer.