Unsure if the GrimCalc is wrong but what I see is 10% Crit Damage, 5% OA, 20 OA, 5% MS. No resist.
And the Scholar light ? 3 points for 4 Affinity? Is 10% Crit Damage so massive that it end up being better taking those point in Ulzuin Torch and pick Scholar Light which doesn’t seem to give anything really worthwhile (10% Elemental Resistance for 3 nodes?). Instead of having 7 points to pick another Devotion
Also the 2 points for the Chaos Side of Abomination? There is a mention of Devotion binding but nothing about that last skill. We could save 2 points there (with the 3 from Scholar Light that give 5 or if you add the 3 from Ulzuin this give 8 total) to place somewhere else.
I’m not trying to play devil advocate (I clearly can’t with my current knowledge of the game) but I’m raising question so I can receive answer and get a better grasp and understanding of the small details now that I’m reaching max level with my first char.
10% crit is very massive yes, and so is 5% OA to go with it As for the 15% chaos resist, check in game, it doesn’t show in grim calc. There is no reason not to take those 3 nodes if you have the points for it. End game it really pays off.
Thanks you for this awesome build, how about Devotions binding like this:
Wendigo’s Mark -> Dreeg’s Afflicted Spine ( 8s recharge - 8s duration/ 100% chance on attack)
Acid Spray -> Curse of Frailty ( can spam Acid Spray )
The last question, where I can farm the last Nemesis and how to facetank with him
CoF+Wendigo’s Mark is probably the most OP combo you can do with this build and Acid Spray is really well covered by Siegebreaker.
Ifaik he live in another dimension so Cairn adventurers cant find him, nevertheless, the legend says that his power is so great that he can slightly & permanently influence the whole world balance of Cairn.
I tried to do it on my side, energy management is a problem with BWC spamming mainly in long fights.
Even with arcane spark, focusing prism, ectoplasm or soul shard.
Fortunately kill time is high, great potential for sure.
I don’t use fire strike so i wan keep bwc as a spamming attack for flame torrent.
I will try to pick viper to help energy sustain, the 20% RR should help also.
Then your build is different.
Transmuted BWC is a core choice here, the purpose of firestrike is only to apply Viper’s RR debuff at full potential.
If you combine the 3 choices above, the singletarget/boss situation is at another level of dps.
Hi, Drizzto think you for posting this building. Can you add some leveling tips and devotion guide (which focus first and so on) if I want level this character from a scratch?
Yup, Categorie C (n% reduced target’s resistance) require weapon damage to be apply, to be more specific you need a minimum of 100% weapon damage to apply the full debuff, otherwise you get a diminushing return.
Dunno why this mechanic still exist, weapon damage have already several other exclusive advantage like ACDTH.
I will consider it, tho leveling with DEE is really easy.
Some tips:
-Get Occultist tree first, get DEE (get it 12/12 quickly) with transmuter.
-Once you reach level 16 you can use Mark of Dreeg component (new spell: Dreeg’s Infitnite Gaze)
-Invest in Soldier mastery bar 10/50 to get blitz for extra mobility. (optionnal)
-Invest heavily in Occultist mastery to boost your damage to level faster -> spend 4-6 points each in CoF/Vulnerability, Blood of dreeg/Aspect of the guardian, then rush for Possession 12/12.
If you prefer more melee style you can go for Soldier tree with a build based on blade arc (2h) or blitz (1h+shield).
Im running a simular build with only slight deviations in skills.
I decided to go with Vestment of the Great Guardian and Viperfang Grips. This combo nets me 3300 OA with buffs (no procs). Not sure it is worth it though, it costs me the 5 set bonus proc…what do you think?
I also have troubles to fit in Mark of the Apostate since I need either BoM or a Mark of Divinity to cap my resistances. Currently I go with a BoM so extra OA from the proc added to the above number. Big loss?
I guess I joined the OA wh"#¤"re club by reading the top notch player builds on the forum.
I’m actually doing this build from scratch on HC. Just hit 51 and had no other characters to really gear me out.
What I did:
Start the campaign, get to level 2 or 3. Put 1 into frailty, rest into DEE. Grab whatever items you can while leveling.
Switch to Crucible. Sell off anything you’re not using, buy potions. I usually went half and half on pots. Do first level then turn in. Pick up everything, use what you can. Sell the rest, more pots. Grab a devotion point, reset. Do this until you have 5 devotion points or you can go until 10.
Rush through the game. I focused on high resists at all points since I’m playing HC.
Skillwise I did this:
To start, 1 into frailty and rest into DEE. Max DEE before continuing.
Spend mastery points and put 1 into Blood Burst.
Spend mastery points and put 1 into focused gaze.
Take frailty up to 8
Max vulnerability
Spend mastery points and max out Blood of Dreeg
Spec to soldier, mastery points until you get 1 into Fighting Spirit
Max Menhirs Will
Put about 4-6 into Military Conditioning
Mastery points until Terrifying Gaze on Occultist. Put 1 into gaze.
Mastery points until Aspect of the Guardian. 1 into that
Mastery points until vile eruption, 1 into that.
Mastery points until Posession. Max that.
Eel (with 1 in center, blue)
I am not going hard into Aspect of the Guardian as I am still a bit squishy and would rather kite. The rush to posession IMO is best for HC to start since Chaos damage happens frequently and physical is only if you’re being hit.
Since I haven’t played in forever, I did not get Dreegs Infinite Gaze until probably level 35. I didn’t know it existed. Get it ASAP.
2850 OA seems enough to me for this build, consider also that we have decent DA shred which lead to something around ~3100 effective OA level. (-105 DA from Vulnerability / 130 DA debuff from Scorpion sting)
Secondly i reach easily 3200 OA with Cruci buff which is what for the build was designed in the first place.
Also i dont think it is worth to break 5/5 dreeg set for Vestments of the Great Guardian, Secrets of the Guardian buff is far stronger imo.
Mark of Aspotate isnt mandatory, it help for facetanking if you manage to get boss/nemesis into the ground poison pool with fumble/Impaired Aim proc, tho you can go for Mark of Divinity or Badge of Mastery wont break the build.