[v1.0.0.9] Cold Blademaster, Icy Terminator the Slightly Crucible God

It loads for a moment even if you have gprs internet, dunno why it doesnt work for you… Have you tried to clear browser cookies??

Too lazy


Anyways, i still add GrimTools since it’s required by popular demand by the people who follow builds

And the creator did say GT won’t get bugged with every fucking patch, unlike GrimCalc which broke every fucking time especially the demolitionist links


I do respect what Calc has done for us so far, since w/o it half the builds wouldn’t have gotten beyond the “idea” stage

In this case DA is thing you need more than OA. 2% OA/DA and 20% to all dmg is by far best and all around jewelry augment.

This guys knows it :smiley:

Inb4 next patch

“Survivor’s Ingenuity changed to 10%, 1% OA and 1% DA” :rolleyes:


Am i the only one who finds it fucked up that once it was the Spellbreakers who were once referred to as Blademaster Wannabes
Suddenly it’s Blademaster who is a spellbreaker wannabe

That’s the result of ˝balancing˝ the game.
In the name of balancing devs buffed two patches in row currently strongest build and made it by far most powerful build ever seen in GD :smiley:

Yeah its dummy kill time is 3 - 5 second lower than Blademaster timer set by you at 22 sec

Here we go again.

Very nice build. :slight_smile: Thought of something similar, cause my 3 BMs feel a bit bored, just sitting around.
But honestly, I am a bit fed up on all these SS builds.

Now then.

If only that certain Set Ring that COULDN’T drop in, WOULD drop for me in :rolleyes:

Made my day reading this. My new signature too!

Also, nice build Drizzto!

Which type of build can you recommend to farm zantarin?
This one or is he resistant to cold?

There’s no specific build required for him

Any build can farm him

Why do you need to though? The Order of Death’s Vigil are the good guys

Obviously to get these shoulders.
No politics here just business :stuck_out_tongue:

Business you say?

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Uroboruuk?

Guide is now finished, thx guys for all you positive & troll comments ! :slight_smile:

I can now focus on making a tier1 Gladiator farmer battlemage. :rolleyes:
This final build will conclude the “Soldier + X” Gladiator adventure.


Battlemage still is plausible

Druid is the class combination that needs help. It just outright sucks

Kinda sure i can build a Druid clearing Gladiator, biggest question will be clearing speed & succesrate. :undecided:

Will it be mindwarp+will of the living?



That hashtag is for sure trending right now.

Nop not aether based ;), the build is done actually, results are quite “ok” for a battlemage i guess (24 mins average for 100-150). Lacking some motivation to record one gladiator run & make a new guide … :frowning:



In before Zantai has an epiphany, and actually BUFFS the other augs, instead. :wink: