My english is very bad.
I killed Avatar of M. over 1h.08m…
used TM+BWC+FB
Personage in GrimTools: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVLBMwNG
MQ and Nemesis kill easily)
I havent bothered with him anymore… bwc build is a safe build i assume against him. dont expect quick kill times though especially in ultimate… otherwise if u push ur char to become a god and kill him in record times… expect the crate hammer to hit your build, they seem to love their avatar very much and dont want him dead:rolleyes:
If you stick to Shar’Zuls’, you’ve an extra point in Thermite Mines and Blackwater Cocktail that you can remove, and the Shield points you can shift around, plus you could take the transmuter on Fire Strike.
Also, why Fire Strike at all? You don’t seem to need it, and you aren’t really putting a lot of points into it.
If you want more damage, then maxing the first part of Flashbang will get you more crits. If you yank Fire Strike, the Shield points, and stick to Shar’Zul’s to save two more, you could put more points into Mortar Trap as well. http://www.grimtools.com/calc/xZyoxe2m
That’d be my suggestion, with your gear. Shrug.
If that’s what you’re going for… http://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnq7bZr
Changed devotions. Put an actual component on the weapon, because using Shard and Fire Strike makes no sense. Shoved points around. Suggested better weapon and shield to aim for, for damage. Put more into Fire Strike, since you’re apparently using that more than just aiming to be a caster.
Hmm, might as well use skybreach Bulwark then. At lest he also keep some +1 to relevant mastery skills. But he would probably have trouble with resists either way.
To kill the Avatar is not suitable … little regeneration …
So, Menhir’s Bulwark adsorber damage and added regeneration
HP need large 15000, Avatar crit damage more 10k