V1.1.4.0 Preview

Drop rates? Legendaries have been raining for me recently. They should tone it down a bit.

I am completely serious, by the way.

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This is exactly why I never read people’s builds - ever, unless I accidently stumble into one (like I did with Archons in one of the patch threads). My builds are never FOTM and are rarely nerfed, but they still can clear endgame content (cruci 170, high SR) without much hassle. I don’t even know what’s the current “flavor of the month” and honestly I don’t want to. Hopefully my builds will stay under the radar, lol. Balance aside, it’s not fun to have things you enjoy playing nerfed because too much attention has been given to it. I honestly don’t agree that the whole “Archon/Vindicator OP” thing, and my tests with what I consider optimal gear showed that my builds are still way better, kek. Thus, I can only giggle when things like maelstorm are getting hammered for three consecutive patches without reason.

Keep in mind that it may be for a reason - since I’m not familiar with meta, I may be awfully wrong, both with what I consider optimal gear/skills/celestials, and the playstyle I choose.

My personal power rating usually depends on being able to facetank Ravager. - while maintaining a good (fun) killspeed against mooks. If a build can do this - it’s top tier in my book. If it can’t, I’m not wasting my time with it. That is the only personal benchmark I have and, again, I don’t know how “meta” or relevant it is for people to be able to facetank Ravager. If it’s able to do that, it sure as hell is able to get to SR75+ and beat Cruci 170, pretty much as a rule of a thumb. I don’t use Callagadra for the “benchmark” because that thing is overly focused on physical damage and gets too many +critical damage% boosts favoring extreme DA, Ravager is a lil more varied.

A lot of those kind of comments came from the various cyclone set builds, where elementalist didn’t even feature :stuck_out_tongue:. Still Vindicator has quite a few other builds that do very well and it is definitely one of the more powerful class no?

And how many caster builds do you have that can do this? Just curious.

Not much, but I’m not a big fan of casters, to be honest. One of my caster builds can tank Ravager though, unless he gets too many crits in a row and/or some things don’t activate when necessary.

I tried several eye of reckoning+cyclone builds and I was really unimpressed, TBH.

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Not all builds have to be pin cushions. As long as I can reach level 100 in Crucible on Gladiator without potions, defenses, or blessings, I consider it a decent build and worth having fun with. :crazy_face:

patch day today ?

On the GD discord earlier

ZantaiToday at 05:09
it’s not coming tomorrow, we’re testing a bug fix still
or at least tomorrow seems unlikely

His last msg on Discord about the patch, few hours ago, was 80:20 tomorrow:tonight.

i want the 20% :smiley:

Meaning that there’s 80% chance it will be released tomorrow?

the silence is killing me :skull_and_crossbones::skull::skull::skull_and_crossbones:

Guys no chance it will be released tonight. Most likely on Friday. Be patient

Can’t wait! I’m a bit burned out of the game at the moment. The upcoming patch will probably fix that for me with the balance changes and QoL additions. Will start a new character immediatly after the patch is installed :slight_smile:


You won’t be disappointed

I told everyone on the Steam forums regarding the update that patience is a virtue. I’ve changed my mind. Screw virtue! I want it NOW! :rofl:

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ZantaiToday at 19:11

it’s today, don’t worry


Said every high school boy ever…


You don’t like Virtue?

Then don’t play Oathkeeper :stuck_out_tongue: