V1.1.4.0 Preview

Blizzard, take notes. :wink:


Thank you so much!!! waiting next expansion or Loyalist pack , you guys desserve our Money.


welcome @Saturno and @YellowDragon to the forum! What a great time to be alive huh? :slight_smile:

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Well, this is just ridiculous. Who pushes out this much of awesome content for free? I am absolutely floored! The only worry I have is that there will be nothing left for Grim Dawn 2!

Nitpicking: I am not a huge fan of the newly styled font for monster names, it might get a bit difficult to read in hectic encounters.

All in all, a marvelous update!

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Wow! I am looking forward to playing through with the update :smiley: it is going to be so much fun!

I was there.

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Don’t worry, most (maybe all) of us playtesters agree that the wide spacing of the font isn’t very readable during action so hopefully that will be adjusted before going live.

Thanks for adding all those features of GrimInternals as base features and But I don’t truly know if this makes me happy or sad…
This was one hell of an experience in terms of communicating and solving daily issues from the community and from the author our beloved Glocky for her huge contribution to one of my favorite games ever.
I will truly miss customising my healthbars/player names etc to be honest tho in the way i wanted but what can i say?This will make Glocky having more peaceful time rather than driving her crazy for a hotfix everytime


Oh cool.

Also, it will be possible to toggle healthbars off completely, right? That’s one QoL feature I’m not very keen on


Yup, on Zantai’s screenshot above that shows the Settings panel you will see a new section next to the General tab named Interface. Various health bar toggles are in that section.

it will be great if you slightly nerf FG final boss.
Dream… Dream…
Oh yes let’s doing game more harder, more grind. Grind is good, right?

Oh wow…

Thank you, thank you, thank you Crate!! :+1:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Abselutely fan-fucking-tastic you are my favorit Crate to reach into for time consuming toys!

Thank you so much for all the hard work!!

Good to know that they are actually rats, I thought they’re dogs or something

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The most groundbreaking news here recently!
Thank you Crate. And thank you Glocken the original creator.

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Thank you guys for the hard work as always
especially for the crucible map search!

Thank you! Now make a patch for potato systems :slightly_smiling_face:
I have everything on low but since the dlcs it stutters more and the framerate goes down.
BUT the game still looks nice with everything turned off in the graphics settings

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Holy… my god that’s an amazing patch! <3

Thank you Crate!!!