V1.1.6.0 Itemization Discussion

I tried using Soullance on Radaggan Deceiver. Build was lacking big time both on stats(the set for instance) and damage too.

Cooldown reduction is nice stat but still gun needs better damage+ something like 80 OA or so.

Speaking of ranged weapons there are problems with cold ones. Mythical Northern Wyrm have twice less the damage of a normal weapon. I tried cold Vindicator PS. Damage was laughable one - less than 100k for Thunderous Strike.

Mythical Haggardian too can be criticized.

At same time there are 3 separate guns for ABB including MI+2 legendary. They kinda overlap in terms of utility.

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Hello Zantai,

I think the Frigid Barrel of the Relentless North needs an update of its base damage (10-24 cold damage for a level 50 item). At least when I compare it with the Oathbreaker I’m using which has 16-50 fire and 16-50 chaos base damage for a level 40 item.

Thank you for your amazing work.

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Dreadscorcher (for the 1000th time)

For the love of God, change +2 to Arcanist to +2 to Demolitionist. Arcanists and Mage Hunters (and Sorcerers) have TONNS of god-tier builds of all sorts. Why are you forcing ranged gameplay down Arcanists’ throats? They won’t play it. Just because it says “Aether” it doesn’t have to be an Arcanist item.

Meanwhile Defilers are still struggling with like 2,5 semi-decent endgame builds, one of them requiring TWO legendary monster infrequent pistols (and it’s still like a second hand ranged Fire Strike build at best).

Another thing that I am sure bothers quite a lot of players that have tried to fit Bonemonger set on an Oathkeeper.

Like what kind of mastery support is that? Both Inquisitor and Necromancer get fat RR bonuses, and Oathkeeper, the only mastery that has nothing to do with Aether gets a support for one wps? This is comical and sad and the same time. All while set blocks RR conduit for Oathkeeper. Like how do I even use this aether WPS? Should I use Physical/Fire Righteous Fervor?

Please rework that part. There is a reason why you see million of Bonemongers but not one of them is Oathkeeper. My suggestion: make it support RF (like conversion + flat rr to it if possible) or/and add Aether RR to Guardians. Otherwise this part of Bonemonger remains useless.


Let’s discuss these two weapons that are supposed to be used with ranged ABB:

The first thing to mention: ranged ABB is FAR weaker than melee in all setups - cold, acid and
even spammable.
What I suggest doing:

  • Hagarradian Enforcer - add flat CDR to ABB like -0,5sec and increased radius to it with adding flat cold/frostburn. Then it can probably compete with melee.
  • Dreeg’s Quillthrower - very, very bad weapon. Please change CS for AS (and increase it to 20%), add +1 meter radius to ABB and 100% chance to pass throw enemies. Also, adding +1/+2 to Nightblade would look nice.

some more.

mods to single WPS skill have proven to be ineffective. Please consider changing the mod to RS with adding some support of Physical BH like adding flat phys, flat CDR and 100% pierce->phys conversion to BH.

Good scepter but needs some tweaks. Please change +1 to shaman with +1 to Demo and add at least 10% cast speed, as it is used for spam Stun Jacks.

PLEASE add 16% cast speed and increase energy regeneration value to 76%.


Item modifiers to Judgement on non sets(I mentioned Codex of Truths in my first post on this thread).

A portion of them will convert the main node from one damage type to another and then add a completely different damage type as flat damage.

I could be very wrong but: I get it if the damage was a thematic choice to be 2 types or if we are forced to work to convert that flat damage. I also realize that some of the damage types will overlap via -rr% in the devotion tree.

However, what ends up happening is you have to give up so many item slots that converting the damage isn’t worth it. Also, if you just rely on 2 damage types or using whatever -rr% you have it feels as bad (especially chaos since few masteries even have -rr% to chaos baked in)

Anyone else have any issues with this?

I can’t imagine that having the damage uniform would break the skill, unless I am missing something. If it was to high you could adjust the flat damage down.


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Please add aether/chaos damage converted to piercing damage to some items such as offhands or jewels.

as with whole Oathkeep’s part of Bonemonger’s design noone knows why

I tried that as Witch Hunter, Biting Blades + ABB since BB scales with cast speed. I personally like casters’ gun. But this build was bad like 8 minutes and WH isn’t that tanky. But more damage is welcomed.

Haggardian is plain bad. I would like to see DW cold FS/Rune of Haggard hybrid as possibility.

Have you tried using it with rotgheist set with spamming DEE? The weapon suits %WD based spam DEE perfectly and should be used for that imo. If it’s terrible for that type of build, it needs like an added flat acid damage mod for DEE imo.

I’ve tried DEE only with off-hand and caster dagger.
Afaik, spam DEE needs enourmous energy regen that 2h weapon can’t provide.

It looks cool on paper, but

  1. It has no pierce-thru mod like Dreeg set provides. It’s basically a must for any spam/chanelling skill nowadays, especially for really weak ones like DEE
  2. Mana consumption will force you into using Arcane Spark (and it might still be not enough without an off-hand)


Cool medal, but one thing that just does not fit is “Bleeding Damage”. Like, why? Bleeding builds will surely prefer Direwolf Crest or Mark of Consumption over that any day of the week.

I think thematically it should be Vitality/Vitality Decay given how the mods are to skills that are known for those type of damages.


I had roughly TC’d a potential DQuillthrower/Rotgueist DEE spammer , but as mentioned above:

  • Arcane Spark will be needed and energy regen is going to be harsh outside of cruicible
  • DA is low from Rotgueist and it’s pretty hard to get decent OA (thus the need for this devotion arrangement). DEE spam needs gloves with cast speed. Also this is not a perma-ascension path.

TLDR. Dreegs Quillthrower will need energy regen and possibly some OA/more DA for a spam DEE build.


the problem is you will do better if you just use biting blades and take the trasmutor. DEE even will all the crazy rot gheist mods it still terrible to spam without the pass through mechanic from Dreeg set. Biting blades + bomb dee wins again.

More buffs to the base skill line please and nerfs to the transmutor

For reference this is the best spam DEE build I’ve tested/used https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVLmEJMZ


The two parts in the red frame are not very useful for S & B, so we suggest changing them to something else useful.
OA / DA, Elemental resi, Block chance / recovery, etc. are desirable.
Avoid projectiles are more useful for S & B than Avoid melee, but they are less effective unless stacked. So I think another thing is better.

While these pants are distinctive, they are not appealing because there are too few really important statistics.
Consider adding at least a DA and another resist.
Also, the Proc skill is useless for enemies that nullify confusion, so why not add x% chance fumble and impaired aim?


This idea was conceived for use in Diviner’s Vision.
Reep sprit gives a huge Vit decay, but no decent Aether weapon with a Vit decay.
Elemental to Vit also converts Overload Dot without waste.

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Lemme have some wild dreams too :stuck_out_tongue:


Patch changelog:

  • Heart of Theodin Marcell - added +2 to Shadow Strike
  • Mythical Spitewraith Girdle - replaced +2 to Amarasta’s Blade Burst with +1 to Nightblade and added 30% Piercing Damage converted Aether Damage
  • Mythical Mantle of the Weeping Eye - replaced +2 to Elemental Awakening with +2 to Shadow Strike and replaced +2 to Iskadra’s Elemental Exchange with +2 to Reckless Power

Interesting, thx for the insight guys. What about giving the Quillthrower the passthrough mod then?

Let’s keep this thread on the topic of non-set pieces, thanks.

Can we get the Chaos -RR fom voidheart and the Mythical orb of the black flame to be aoe or have a much reduced cooldown? Both are items I use with my chaos AAR warlock who is without a whole lot of options for resist reduction in the first place and they really are terrible at actually applying RR.

Both item procs are single target and proc on crit with a 3 second cooldown. Generally what happens is that trash mobs have much lower DA so they are more likely get crit, waste the proc, and I can’t reapply for 3 more seconds and it usually ends up on another weaker enemy unless I’ve cleared them all out. This is particularly a pain in the ass vs Avatar of Mogdrogen who has way higher DA than all the mobs he summons and his very high chaos resistance but it’s also an issue in just about every fight with multiple high chaos resistance enemies, bosses with summons, or anytime you fight multiple bosses at once.

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