V1.1.7.1 Build Discussion

Been playing pet build lately I found that the components Binding of Bysmiel are a bit lacking on the pet stat that by the time the build reach 55 devo point and full pet gear support, the component effect is not much and removing it don’t have much difference, and I found changing that component to ancient armor/titan plating/hallowed ground is better. I found that pet damage are easier to come than pet health, so maybe increase the pet health bonus to 20% or both of health and attack to 25% can make the component more appealing.

On the other hand I agree with others that the Mark of Mogdrogen component buff is nice but compared with mark of traveler it still loses as mogdrogen is more expensive and traveler is random drop and give slow resistance. So to make the mogdrogen more unique, I think it’s good to add freeze/trap/slow resistance for pet in there, the number can be in range of 15-25. What do you think?


Even if we forget about players who never pass through Loghorrean on normal difficulty (only 24.2% do that) and multiply it by 5.
2.1 x 5 - still near 10% of players.

Yet again folks, please stay on topic.

If you have other suggestions then please make a new thread.


Could Mythical Black Scourge finally use the ultimate love?
I mean, changing it’s proc to “on attack” as pet builds doesn’t kill anyone by themselves and thus this proc is absolutely redundant. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, can M. Beastcaller’s helm use some love too? Like aether/chaos res as it has zero resists now.

A post was split to a new topic: Need help with Witch Hunter build please

Both cold Blitz and Vire’s have several items that support them, so they’re a step above random converted skills.

I have created this build https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4lpdBN
It is a DW melee elemental Mage Hunter. For it to work it needs 4 double rare MI’s. I would welcome some support for elemental melee Mage Hunters in general. AS and phys res is still low.

Thank you for your input.

At this time we are locking down on v1.1.7.1 changes, but you can continue to post feedback for future updates as usual in this section of the forum!