V1.1.8.0 Mastery Combo Discussion

33 posts were split to a new topic: Devotion Sustain Options Discussion

Also, checked some blue items . I’d love to see a decent burning option for Vire might.

Unfortunately there is no 2H fire with %CDR rolls on them and the best thing right now is that blue mace. MB push it to purple and give it CDR? I like burning spot, its cool =)

I’ve split off the debate over Devotions and sustain to its own thread.

Please keep this thread on topic.


I would like to see Bleeding Reaper.

Therefore, a AA-Replacer would be needed and maybe some changes to Blood Knight Set to support Nightblade.


I want to say, there are Arcanist, who have NO ResistReduction (except of Null, which is not comfortable) and Soldier, who have no stackable RR, only nonstackable RR to Phys.

Compared to other classes, who oftenly have a lot of RR with very handy ang good to use skills, Arc and Sol are underdogs.

So, Arc+Sol lack of RR desperately, and this combo is very hard to play. Is there at least one good Cruci cleaner? Nope. Even harder to make non-phys built due to absense of any “natural” RR.

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Literally the first build from the subforum :wink:


Nope. 5+ min with 4 buffs and 4 banners is very mediocre result.
I bet it cant even finish 170 without 4+4.

What’s the point of not using 4 + 4 though (aside from personal preference of course).
Steroids are meant to be used in Crucible.
5+ minutes mediocre :laughing:
Zantai now cannot nerf 5 minutes builds because they are mediocre.


Tis’ not a 4buffs+4 banners! I use 3 buffs only :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also 5:12 is still top tier time. And mind I have some lag.

Build can’t finish without 4+4? Apparently can. If you mean no buffs and beacons at all, then probably no.

But if one build clears 170 in 5+ min naked (no buffs no banners) - he is definitely more powerful then build, who clears with 4+4.

On your screenshot 4 buffs and banner (at least 1)

I don’t have a screenshot from Crucible!

This is the video, 3x buffs, no Ulzuin (which will be red icon)

Also there are no builds that finish naked Crucible in 5, not a single one, come on!


Is this a mad_lee’s alt account? (joking, btw)


Nice troll

Always hoped for Rancor or a 3rd branch-off weapon after Spite to support Pierce/Bleeding Bone Harvest but I think it’s too late for that now.

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This doesn’t follow. It has Type C Damage Reduction, which is an offensive effect and not a direct stat modification. This logic is exactly why War Cry can’t have -% RR.

I hoped to make a DW Bleeding Reaper with a lot of WPS and Bone Harvest as something like Vines (Trickster).

But without AA Replacer…not very desirable.

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I (emphasis mine) use Bloody Whetstone on some builds instead of Seal of Blades to have a nuke/2nd nuke. But it would open up builds.

+1 on making it as AA replacer or remove all cd, but wasn’t the skill works like blade arc so wps didn’t proc unless there is some change in the skill mechanic?

A post was split to a new topic: Help with Commando build please

I have something more to say although it may be more on item balancing side than mastery combination. I think every pet item available that provide resistance should also give half of that value to the pet/player since most of them already have. For example Rifthound Leather will also provide 14% acid and 11% bleed resist to the pet, while item like Ravager Barb give 10% acid resist to the player.

With this change, hybrid/pet mastery combination like Pyro, Warlock, etc. will be easier to balancing the stats between the player and the pet.