V1.1.8.0 Mastery Combo Discussion

There’s currently no point in taking soldier mastery, unless you want its autoattack replacers or you playing monoclass (ultos warder) and all you need is some beef. But beef can be taken in lots of places.
So the only “unique” soldier skill, outside AA replacers is Markovian Advantage. That’s basically it. There’s no point in taking soldier while using another mastery attack. (I’m not taking about retal, ofc. Nobody likes retal.)
So such archetypes as phys AAR, phys canister, phys (whatever) - are worse with soldier.
It’s basically one trick pony in terms of support for other masteries.


Sabo lack acsessible %dmg reduction source the most they always end up squishy.
The next pressing issue is lack of time to actualy deal dmg trough autoatacks. Betwen BWC, flashbang, thermites, PB and ABB most of dmg potential is lost on skill rotation. dw cold fire strike+NB dw skills sounds like its gona do lots of dmg, but it won"t. Most of the dmg come from BWC, thermites and devotion/ gear procs.
Should i remind anyone that maxing Firestrike line require 51 skill points? Well, yeah, that a lot of skill points on top of 50 SP in mastery. Unfortunately all of Sabo gear is stripped from +to masteries. As a result you can`t really afford to max out FS line and for pierce Sabo its better to dump Firestrike line completely and just equip Belgo. =)
OA/DA stuff is simply too cheap in current meta to be relevant. Last time i checked ppl skip all %DA source on devotions and ignore OA unless there is a lot of potential %crit dmg in build.
Oh, almost forgot. No exclusive skill for both masteries. Yeah, almost 400% less increased dmg for cold route. Even more for pierce.


I would like to summarize my messages into one whole. The Warder class does not have in its arsenal -% RR to physics, which is why it suffers in damage. The only skills that can be used like -% RR are swarm and wind. Swarm is very uncomfortable as a RR. I want to suggest adding -% RR to the physics of no wind devil


One more:
IEE line in Arcanist should have flat aether damage definitely to support Callidor focused builds or builds with aether Bone Harvest conduit


For emphasis…based on some posts so far.

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I think it be good to Flame Touched have transmute like Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange and Solael’s Wtchfire. Demolisher can use some phys to fire conversion. Also some itemisation for Veli of Shadow with -% fire resistance can realy help fire derwish and sabouter.


I would like to draw the attention of the game developers to the lack of support for the cold shooter today. Unlike melee damage and spells, ranged damage is very limited in things and, in my opinion, desperately needs a set. I think that the players who tried to collect the cold shooter will understand and support me.


Little suggestion for warlocks (or even cabalists) : adding some %aether damage to Second Rite, matching the current %chaos damage.
That would make levelling an aether warlock smoother (or at least possible), and makes sense if you consider the aether+chaos budget gear you can get from the Black Legion, for example.
Furthermore, it would put Clairvoyant Warlocks more in line with their Spellbinder counterpart that are always better, with an higher %aether (thanks to Spectral Binding and Reckless Power/Harbinger of Souls) and RR.
I don’t think it would make anything overpowered, it’s quite a niche buff as Clairvoyant setups are the only aether occultists I can think off.

Also, making Devouring Swarm spread is so unoriginal, make it a cone :stuck_out_tongue:

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To add to this, for physical support, there are two really big problems with taking soldier vs oathkeeper:

  • RR: Break Morale gets you a max of 40 flat RR at 22/12, but the physical devotion route almost always goes for Scales anyway, which ends up making for a 15 point RR difference, usually less. This is on a skill that doesn’t have 100% uptime either. Meanwhile, OK gets you a permanent 30% stacking RR, which is massive.
  • Exclusive skills: Divine Mandate’s bonuses just completely outdo Oleron’s. OA is easy to get with devotions and gear, and OK has Judgement to reduce DA in a big area anyway. 35% crit damage is massive, especially on a devotion route that has 2 non-T3 nodes that give any at all. There’s also very little gear that gives meaningful crit damage without massive sacrifices elsewhere.

I wouldn’t say that OA is easily accessible to physics, but I certainly can agree that Oleron is weaker than DM. And scaling of Oleron’s ult is inferior.


Aw, one more
Give Occultist finally chaos RR instead of countless mods on different sets and items


Nice to see you around ptiro :slight_smile:

I made a fire FS SAbo a few months back. It had massive amounts of damage and DpS and to my surprise it refuse to die. Something about FB, shadow dance, BS and lifesteal that he just woudnt’ die.

The main issue was how it applied damage. For all the raw damage it had, ti was horrible at applying it and it’s overall a tiresome DW experience with long kill times

Ofc it refuses to die, with SR set, it’s proc, Pneumatic Burst, enough life steal, Blast Shield, Searing Light, it sure does survive. But as you put it, regardless of the flat damage amount or %damage bonusses, it kills slow. One of the reason is that you interrupt your AA very often with thermite mine, flashbang, ABB. Since I hate the ABB(in acid dervish also), I made a version without it with %200 AS, it sure has low dps on sheet and there were no huge differences between the original one and no ABB one, because since I don’t need ABB and Lethal Assault bonus gears, I changed them with Night’s Chill bonus, more speed. with less interrupted and more frequent AA hits, it compensated the bonusses from lethal assault up to a point.

Not gonna happen, unfortunately. As well as this one.

For example, this meme spam Chaos PB build https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2E6WEvV. Not sturdy, not a glass cannon (butchered by Shar’Zul in Bastion in two swipes :slightly_frowning_face:), one item support, zero innate RR, and even more weakened by nerf-conversion. Some buff needed for Chaos Witch Hunter casters, be it RR or something else, if not conversion removal.

Rework Soldier part of Rah’zin. This is a bad joke:
Compare to say that:
This will make Witchblade less depressive of a class. Currently it’s a class of three builds - acid retal, gutsmasher arc and elemental cadence.


I’d wrote big post with my opposed opinion, then cut excess:

Recent time I don’t made much of various builds and concentrated to conceptual gameplay.

Soldier. Veterancy - regen + physique requirements? Soldier have both from main attribute all invest - Physique. Constitution? Who does care about it?

Arcanist. Arcaine will and Nullification - mostly used as 1-point skill

Shaman. Cold damage buff on Stormcaller’s pact is strange. He, havn’t initial cold skills. Could be useful just for may be cold trickster and no more. Druids have a preference for Star Pact.

Inquisitor. Aura of Conviction wins Aura of Censure.

Would like to see more Auramancers and Support archetypes.
Although we got the mythical apothecary set, it mainly boost 3 mastery: soldier, occultist and inquisitor. But what about other class combo support builds? I made “Just for fun full support coop warder” (not finished) and I can’t maximize all at once Mogdrogen’s Pact, Field Command and Item Granted Auras.

Also, what about CC-related skills: OFF and Blade Trap. Repeat my suggestion, it must deal at least one first damage tick with attack even if CC doesn’t affect. It could expand Arcanists and Nightblades combos.

Dozens mean more than 1 dozen, so we still have not more than 23 items :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to see Forcewave Shield with -100% CD modifier similar to Spite effect to phantasmal blade.
And as extreme form of non-standard builds: 1h+focus melee and ranged options.


this can’t be further from truth …

and where does it win? these auras support 2 different damage types.


I’ll just toss this out here because I’ve been thinking about it a bit recently. Pyromancer has a ton of untapped elemental damage potential, just like Warlock did before the Trozan changes. The Trozan changes helped to bring out the innate potential of elemental warlocks, and I think elemental pyromancers could use something similar, whatever that might be.

Edit: aside from fire/burn obviously, that’s very well represented for pyromancer

Speaking about Aura of Conviction, how about %aether and %chaos support for it?


Players prefer RR to Damage upbuilding and as a consequence Censure’s damage type.

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