V1.1.9.1 Discussion

i haven’t, but DW should suffer from the very same problems that 2H has, so i doubt that it’s going to be any better.

@banana_peel did, but it was long ago, before cyclone and mines were nerfed. No idea of it’s state right now (and it was elementalist)

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which brings me to, and i know Z will just lean back in his chair smirking & scoffing each time it’s mentioned, but
… and until my dying breath:

  • please make wind devils perma pets !

^nr 1 arthritis inducing “element” in Cairn… :pensive:

Mythical Gauntlets of Ignaffar
Mythical Alazra’s Ruby

I think Zantai’s trying to tell you that your Archon needs more Fire Resistance.

This is not me meme’ing you, I’m helping bolster your argument about Fire equipment’s terribad resistances.

+1 on all accounts, especially buffing Consecrated Wrappings so that it’s similar to Restless Remains in having multiple good stats (Energy and ADCTH compared to 3 flat damage and insignificant % bonus) and helping Fire Shaman have more buffs so that Archon can stand out a bit.


My impression is Stun Jacks just need some weapon damage on it and flat damage reduced to compensate of course. This will solve sustain dilemma on every SJ build. I mean, Phantasmal Blades have built-in life leech and weapon damage. But hell if I know if it will break game balance or not.

Also agree on Consecrated Wrappings needing a slight buff. I dunno, either increase flat and % chaos to 5 and 30, or add like 10% chaos res on it.


i’m really curious how that would play out - specially since almost every +stun jacks modifier item doesn’t feature much flat global damage, and QJ has total dmg reduct. And +WD modifier on nado didn’t exactly make that absurd :thinking:

This isn’t actually all that necessary.

Taking an excerpt from the Chaos Jacks Pyro guide I wrote last last year:

Keep in mind the character fully converts Twin Fang’s Vitality to Chaos and gets above average flat damage for a caster because of Chaos having some of the best accessory augments around in Osyr’s Temper. It also has spare points for fully converted Sigil of Consumption on the end as well.

Defensively speaking, i don’t think I need to say much more than minimum 3k DA at all times, 44% physical resistance (which looking at it again could go down to 40% for more damage), Possession’s damage absorption and Blast Shield. Energy cost is no problem with Tree and even helps on survivability counteracting Dying God’s health cost.

Chaos Jacks in my eyes is more than fine on offense and defense.

@Ceno @afanasenkov26 Similarly, what would either of you two say to Cold/Lightning Stun Jacks then having more options for supporting procs being easier to ADCtH off of? Like if Piercing/Vitality->Lightning conversion was more abundant or easier to access to enable stronger heals on Twin Fangs in the exact same way I ADCtH with it on my Pyromancer above.

Or other places get ADCtH like the current Bane relic proc having ADCtH as an example (No one uses Vengeance for Cold so maybe giving it something would make it look nicer).

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I always saw converted fangs as a crutch that solves the symptom of a problem but doesn’t address the problem itself. I’d rather have converted fangs than no sustain, but I’d greatly prefer that these builds be given legitimate sustain options through skill mods or itemization.


To be fair, i could also argue that giving caster skills ADCtH like it’s free candy is also a problem in and of itself. Since vanilla, we’ve seen PRM, AAR and DEE all receive it in shape or form, all skills that previously were pure damage caster skills.

I can’t not think of a spammable/channelling skill that either doesn’t have some way of getting baked in ADCtH or weapon damage now - everything does it because it’s the only way to survive which again, can be construed as a core problem of the game that has been creeping into more skills over time.

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A valid argument.

Counterpoint: these skills all needed it, much like SJ does, which you touch on in your second paragraph.


At a certain point, I just feel like if everything has a stat and has to have it, it’s more prudent to remove it from everything and just make it a baseline/easily accessible which is what Twin Fangs essentially is :man_shrugging:. But I guess that can’t really be done for ADCtH now.

I have successfully commandeered this thread, haven’t I?

Not against it conceptually, but I don’t think it’s likely. New items are not soon going to happen (if ever) and with them new conversions or procs are going to be hard to place.

E: Neat chaos SJ build btw. @Evil_Baka, obviously there’s no reason why you wouldn’t use Sigil in that build, but for comparing it to other forms of SJ how do you think your build would perform, survivability-wise, without it?

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It’d be tighter all around for sure, especially with regards to getting CC’ed as the main form of interrupting Twin Fangs ADCtH. Not just on survivability but for AoE/crowd clear they are an integral source. I’d almost compare it to Storm Totem + Wendigo Totem in terms of role on a Stun Jacks Elementalist but vastly prefer what Sigil does and how it does it to the Totem duo.

17 posts were split to a new topic: Health Regen Defense Discussion

Revert mortar fire rate or increase burn dmg on big one.


:point_up: that one

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Mortar dont have autohit like storm totem

Yes, that looks like the way the package is intended. Packs a good punch already with M. Obsidian Juggernaut. You have so many skills that I didn’t know what to do with them when I was quickly juggling the proposed build and plus Touch of Chaos AA is pretty powerful and makes BattleCry redundant (which I forgot)

Probably the 2H melee AS Chaos should be an Epic or some other weapon. M Obsidian is very overloaded and that 2H version with Obsidian looks equivalent to the DW chaos version for performance and defense, etc.

Please do not change fabius, he’s an actual threat now and there’s finally a reason to manually dodge his shadow strike.

Agreed, Evil_Baka already listed the reasons.

Don’t buff this, doing SR80 with debilitating mutators very easily. Also the absorb from Menhir’s Bulwark was a gamechanger.

so easy it can’t complete CR half of the time?