V1.1.9.7. Buff Potions Bug (FIXED)

This bug just started happening after the patch was DL’d…and Steam / Computer was restarted to make sure everything went through smoothly.

*Any item with: +X All Skills
*Buff Potions + Potion of Clarity

Equipping or un-equipping any gear that has +X All Skills on it will wipe any Buff Potions that are active. This was not the case prior to patch as I have been doing crucible runs for a couple weeks now, constantly having Potion of Clarity active and it never disappeared when I switched pieces out.

This bug has been fixed per Zantai and I confirmed in game that it is indeed fixed. Thanks to everyone for their input.


It is happening to me too! I thought I was losing my mind or something and I knew I had not played for 1 hour after popping the potion and I hadn’t died either. I just swapped a piece of armor and when the potion went away I decided to search here to see if it was a known issue.

For what it is worth, it doesn’t even have to be a piece of Armor like the Lokar set.

Edit: Okay, after reading the follow up post referring to the previous bug I did more testing. It doesn’t appear to be related to +XP items. Pretty much anything I remove or add that has plus (+) to all skills triggers it.

I added and removed a medal that had +5% XP and it didn’t cause any issues.
I added and removed a belt with +1 to all skills in Soldier and it didn’t cause any issues.
I added and removed a random belt and it didn’t cause any issues.
I replaced the belt with a Mythical Chains of Anguish and the potion disappeared.
I had no belt and added a Mythical Chains of Anguish and the potion disappeared.
I removed the already equipped Mythical Chains of Anguish and the potion disappeared.

Even breaking a set that gives + to All skills causes the Potion of Clarity to go away. So, changing anything that changes the + status of All Skills seems to trigger it.

it’s probably related to this which was discovered in 9.6
maybe that fix caused a weird/unintended interaction, or combined with the buff swap fix, dono, but similar issue was known before atleast, tho iirc it didn’t apply to lokar then

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I can’t seem to replicate this when I equip pants, belt or medal with +% xp on it…the potion stays active if I take the medal back off…but if I take 1 piece of Lokarr off it will wipe potion…what slot are you using XP in?

But last patch I was constantly switching out gear with +skills on them and the potion never disappeared…so is this a bug that was reintroduced?

I did more troubleshooting after reading that follow up post about the other issue that was supposed to be fixed and then updated my post about the XP stuff. It turns out the XP part wasn’t related. It’s just doing anything to change your overall + to all skills status that wipes it out.

I’m switching out an item with +1 to soldier skills and the potion isn’t wiping…is it just anything that is +all skills? Because specific masteries are not wiping the potion

Yes, it seems to be anything that is plus to all skills only.

I updated my main post

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Not only the XP potion buff, but also the Anguish buff (total damage modified by -25%, -33% move speed, -12% phys resist, -33% ele resist) will disappear once you removed the already equipped Chains of Anguish.

Besides, it’s not limited to Potion of Clarity. It seems that all buff potions, resistance potion for example, will disappear.

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OMG, I did not realize it went that far. You are correct, any potion you have active will disappear too. I just tested it myself. This really needs a quick Hot Fix or something. Thanks for adding the additional information!

I will update main post

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Can Crate confirm this is a bug or intended?

Many thanks

If you read the bug report rules section Zantai said that most times the team doesn’t make comments on Bug reports unless it’s to get more information due to the small team size, if they knew about it in they’ll see that it wasn’t fixed with and try to nip it in the butt with a hotfix hopefully.

This should be fixed with the build that was just pushed on Steam. Other versions of the game were fine and already had the fix.


Thank you so much for this fast hotfix! :slight_smile:

*tips hat

Thanks Crate!

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luckily it was fixed, i had to use the game mod the whole time waiting for the fix

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