V1.1.9.X Discussion - Endgame Viability

Also god damn this blitz’s knock back😡

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Speaking about knock back on BA, I’d really love to see it being moved from skill itself to transmuted version.
That can also get some buffs like reducing cd to 3 sec etc

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Ha, I may be alone, but I actually like the knockdown on Blitz and Blade Arc! I love it in SR to help keep crowds of mobs chain CC’ed, even if it means I have to chase a few sometimes. After all, if they’re knocked down, they’re not hitting me. Same with confusion and other effects I see people love to hate. But I definitely understand it can be frustrating in Crucible when the seconds count.


Knockdown on Blade Arc is indeed useful against annoying healers and Arcane mobs. I too actually like it.


Same shit on those pants that happen to be BiS for aether jacks Mythical Wraithborne Legwraps - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database

2H Pierce Blade Arc Tactician - Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

This build lacks some damage. It can be a classic archetype for tacticians(it’s rather an unpopular class and goredrinker didn’t save it) since there are a lot of gear options to build but it’s not even a fast and reliable SR 75-76 farmer. I know there is not much room for buffs without buffing other pierce builds so my suggestion is buff the helmet.

Add some flat pierce damage to it/or increase BA mod and increase %pierce damage to %80-100 something. Change Blood of Dreeg skill points with Aura of Conviction.

And maybe, I don’t know other pierce builds that use Vengeance but a lot of pierce gears provide vitality resist. So Vengeance can provide acid.

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Speaking of endgame viability: Mythical Wrath of Tenebris suggests that there is a melee Chaos Deceiver to be had. Doom Bolt + big meaty melee attacks sounds fun. So I did just that. I’m honestly not quite sure what should be done but… Oh dear. So many problems.

Firstly, you have no attack replacer on Deceiver. Now thankfully, that can be solved through the Rah’Zin set. It comes at the cost of 4 item slots and the set doesn’t really do much for you besides that, as the majority of its bonuses are for Soldier and Nightblade, but at least you have an attack to bind your Devos to now and you can do some decent damage with it. Some additional Chaos rr on CoF also doesn’t hurt. It’s not ideal, but it’s something.

Secondly, and more importantly, the build has essentially no AoE. Just like you had no attack replacer, you have no WPS outside of Seal of the Void so you’re poking down enemies one at a time in melee. You have Doom Bolt, but I don’t think anybody would claim Doom Bolt is a good AoE solution. You get full damage conversion for RoH through Rah’Zin + Wrath of Tenebris, but your RoH will be worse than the baseline pierce/cold version as you have no scaling for the Frostburn and you lack any additional skill bonuses/item mods for it (remember, 5 of your item slots are now spoken for so many RoH scaling options are locked out). Not that I didn’t try it, mind you. But no, RoH wasn’t good and required a ton of skill points to do even that. You can’t make RoK full chaos with a 2H weapon in hand. Occultist doesn’t really provide any viable options either. You can’t make SoC Chaos, Chaos Bloody Pox requires a free amulet slot you don’t have.

That leaves you with Horn of Gandarr (fully Chaos converted by weapon) which really doesn’t cut it as a damage source given its long cooldown and middling AoE, and Word of Pain. You have full cold conversion for it, 60 % lightning conversion from weapon and 30 % fire from the likely Voidheart. And then some residual damage from Curse of Frailty (from Rah’Zin amulet). That’s it. You have to wait for crowds of enemies to tick down to your Word of Pain, Curse of Frailty and Eldritch Fire. Which Hero groups in SR won’t be doing very fast. High tier Chaos devos are all self buffs, so no AoE there either. You could technically go for Pierce or Cold devos for AoE since you have full conversion, but then you’re downgrading all your damage everywhere by going off-type on your pathing and more importantly, devos alone won’t do enough AoE damage to carry you in the harder content.I went with Korvaak to get at least something going plus the CC, and DA/OA shred are helpful, but it’s not enough.

Oh and the OA is terrible and would probably require an entire devo path just dedicated to fixing that. But that’s the least of the problems and would probably be fixable if the build didn’t have some of the other problems to worry about.

It doesn’t have the best survivability either despite maxed Possession, 100 % armor absorb, 33 % phys res, 20 % DR on attack/22 % on Horn and crazy lifesteal. And given that the build gets swarmed all the time due to poor AoE, not being able to stand there and fight back is just making things worse. The survivability would probably be mostly ok except for a few outliers (Reaper/Fabius) if getting swarmed wasn’t a constant issue.

Now the problem is, I don’t really know how to fix this. Good AoE is just not really in the Deceiver’s kit and neither the weapon nor the Rah’Zin set that seems to bundle with it solves that. The only two options I can currently think of, that will not break other stuff wide open are:

a) adding a WPS onto the weapon.

Yes, Mythical Wrath of Tenebris is already so stacked with bonuses it barely even fits on the screen anymore. But adding a powerful WPS on Rah’Zin would interfere with other builds. Given that Wrath is mostly used for EoR, having a WPS on the weapon shouldn’t really break anything. But I mean powerful, and high % proc too, if that’s to solve the build’s considerable AoE problems.

b) adding an increased AoE modifier to Doom Bolt on the weapon.

Like, double the AoE. If Doom Bolt is a core part of what the weapon does, maybe it could be the solution to the build’s AoE problems. A WPS by another name (it already does your weapon damage anyway).

As an aside…is anyone doing anything interesting with the WoR pierce conversion on the weapon? Cause outside of Horn of Gandarr I haven’t found any use for that, at least not on melee Deceiver.

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Reaping Arc is great here for that. Supertolik (Chaos RA Deciever 4.26 - YouTube) and I (Chaos Reaping Arc - YouTube) both did similar builds where DB and RA are main source of damage.

Btw I also tried to make Chaos Caster Deceiver with Chaos Rune of Hagarrad but didn’t finish the GrimTools.

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It is nice on chaos for pally. There is a good amount of flat to be converted from conviction + arcane empowerment.

Dunno if I hate or love the fact that a Necro relic with a Vit attack can be the optimal option on a Chaos Occ+Inq build. I’m leaning more towards the hate part cause I wish there was a more in-flavour option that makes more sense for the class combo and damage type. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna give it a begrudging try though. Thanks, didn’t even consider that one.

Side note: now that Reaping Arc no longer deals Aether damage, would it be possible to change the colour of it’s effect. It’s still green and it doesn’t really make sense.

I have tried the DW Vit Tricster and would like to give feedback.


  • Survivability is fine.
  • It’s comfortable because of the movement skill.


  • Damage is bad. I was able to clear 75, but it was slow compared to other builds.
  • BS and totem have bad constellation proc rate.
  • There is no room for skill points.

I even use that scythe and rotgheist to play as hybrid chaos/vitality PS conjurer. Pretty fun build with all red lightning.

Pierce/bleed Forcewave Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Main problem is not cupped cast speed and low qol flat RR (from Revenant and condiut). Average time crucible 6+ min with good sussces rate. In SR build seems can safe farm 65-66.

  1. Add cast speed to Naddan’s Reach and Mark of Kalastor. Also cast speed can add to some pierce devotion (Blade of Naddan or Unknown Soldier).
  2. Add bleed mod for FW to Mark of Kalastor. Also can add flat RR (about 18-24) mod for FW to Mark of Kalastor.
  3. Change acid resist from Vileblood Mantle to pierce or aether resist. Also can increase DR from proc to 4-5 second.

Wrath of Tenebris even if would get WPS skill that would not interfere with RA or PS skills.
It would be helpful for ToC builds and other AA like cadence which cannot get 100% WPS when using Occultist or inquisitor. Not saying about deciever…

I suggested this like 2+ years ago, would be a huge QoL improvement for Blade Arc imo.

The skill needs one “downside” at least, doesn’t it :stuck_out_tongue:

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so, some more words about Goredrinker. this set is actually almost the last bastion of pierce (though significant part is bleed).
nevertheless, the set has some issues I wanna address.

the build I use: Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

  • no phys resist or no %armor bonus on a heavy set.
  • quite low OA for a pierce build. despite both masteries having flat OA, i-game the number barely reaches 2900.
  • inability to get like 80% stun/slow res on a melee build is quite significant.
  • quite sketchy resists. vit is highly overcapped while ele/chaos are not so good.
  • not a set problem but supporting weapons. either Reaver or Nightclaw have quite ugly %armor piercing so to achieve 100% you need to take 2 blessed whetstones, and then build just falls apart and dies.

so … the suggestions.

  • add like 4-5% phys res on chest/shoulders or sth like 10% armor bonus/different armor bonuses on set pieces.
  • add some OA, flat or %.
  • replace vit res on ammy with stun/ele resist.
  • also it would be good if Reaver/Nightclaw get some better % of armor piercing.

Change 30% fire to acid on 5p Perdition set to phys to acid.
Fire conversion is redundant - helm+torso with PotT already give full conversion.
Also cant see a reason not to add 2 skillbonuses lines for each piece, some +2 to Haven here, +2 to Rebuke there and etc.

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Grey with his dream of reviving retal again :inspector:


Would love to see better support for Grasping Vines, lightning vines support on some items would be sick. Acid vines is somewhat supported but still very bad. I suggest adding -acid RR on Bramblevine since single RR acid is not very good.
Conjurer by @afanasenkov26 Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Archon by @grey-maybe Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (5:30 with great muts)
I also suggest adding -acid RR to ring of the black matriarch proc since acid is underperforming overall, might be the weakest damage type atm.

Shaman support on Lost Souls. Ritualist is far behind Conjurer and Cabalist when it comes to pets with Ghol being the only stand out build. I suggest mods to Wendigo Totem and/or Primal Spirit.

Make OFF and Blade Trap conduits useable, increase -CC RR to 55%.
Actually not sure what to do with OFF conduit. If it becomes useable and the damage on it is not converted it will get abused by fire builds. Converting OFF to aether might result in OP spellbinders so maybe phys conversion is the way to go.


So much yes on that. Got a Witch Hunter with a Blade Trap conduit that essentially doesn’t exist in my inventory when it really matters.