[V1.2.1.3] Getting black screen after alt-tabbing

As the title says. Latest build, tested on several characters. After alt-tabbing and keeping the game on the background for a couple of minutes an attempt to get back results in a black screen with a visible cursor. Alt+F4 or any other force close ways work, but that’s mildly inconvenient :smiley:

Borderless windowed mode solves the problem for now.


+1, have the same issue. Never encountered it before.

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Got any windows events at the time?
Are you opening anything else that’s fullscreen while gd is minimized?
I ask since I get the same thing in the live build, but with a different cause: sometimes after expanding anything to fullscreen in a browser, my gfx driver crashes.

Nope. Tested again with all the same apps I had on atm. Discord, Chrome (youtube and yt music in particular, but nothing fullscreen), Telegram. The game just went black after 3-5 minutes.
Strangely enough, it’s not dead, cursor works, I could click on some vendor (the icon changed) and hear his phrase, but apparently the character couldn’t move. Like it just unloaded the world somehow.

One of the times I was near a vendor and had the same moneybag icon and vendor click options. Usually I’m out in the world, lose my XP potion, and call it a day. Somewhat unfortunately, I have not been able to replicate it on-demand like I could a month or so ago.

I have a couple of ideas, first one is a literal shot in the dark:

  1. In the options menu, change video settings like device/window/resolution to try to recover it.
  2. If your Background FPS set to the minimum (0?), does using anything other than that help?

Update: setting Background FPS to max (15-ish?) seems to result in the blackscreen upon exiting gd.

Sorry it took me so long to answer, it’s been a busy weekend.

I actually just tested more stuff, following your message and it seems, that setting background FPS to anything higher than zero solves the problem for me. Don’t know tho, if it should be at zero by default, as I never touched that setting.

Thank you for helping out!

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