
I entered and died in the second floor.

When i back a message tell i cant enter again in the same session!


I farming days for mats to make keys(i have 5 keys) and i cannot enter again?

I can only say two things about it … discouraging and frustrating.:frowning:

Working as intended

If people could re-enter in the same game session it’s not much of a challenge dungeon just an area with a gate that needs a key

Sure you can’t enter again, it’s rogue-like challenge dungeon, same as SoT & BoC, no teleport, only one attempt.

If the drop of legendary items was really guaranteed I would even agree but it is not so it’s pure waste of time playing grim dawn …

Not worth my effort and my time. This is the reality.

It’s these details that keep people away from the game …

It’s the stupidest challenge I’ve ever seen … I’m just saying.

Not sure why are you complaining about rogue dungeons, which are SUPPOSED to be hard and rewarding this late in the game development. They were advertised like this from the get-go. Before venturing further, it should be noted that you must be prepared adequately for dangers that lie ahead. Otherwise, you get what you get.

That’s besides the point you can actually farm legendaries in tons of other places, including Crucible.

Just to be sure. You can close the game to the main menu, start a new session with same char and enter again, but from beginning. So, you can still use those keys.

Yeah, well, go dodge the lightning bolt 200 times, then say that again. :wink:

Haha good one. I tried that once. And immediatly gave it up. I dont have that kind of extreme patience and consentration. And so mind-numbing monotonous. Getting a new skeleton key is a cake walk compared. And not in the slightest as monotonous.

no drop is guaranteed, challenge dungeons are no exception

Not worth my effort and my time. This is the reality.

then don’t run those dungeons, I don’t see a problem there, they are optional

It’s these details that keep people away from the game …

yeah right, any evidence here ? No ? Didn’t think so…

Just because you like / do not like something does not mean that everyone shares your opinion or agrees with the severity you give it

Tell that to the amazing belts that drop. Or the Aldritch items. Those “Chains Of” belts can be just as sick as the Sect Legguards out of the Hidden Path if you get good ones.

Supposed to be hard and rewarding… For the most part they aren’t hard, but never fails you will be spawned upon then die or one monster will one shot you. Not hard per say just annoying. Rewarding… hardly ever. Only time they are is for the one shot chest yet just last night doing SoT my reward for clearing it all was worthless blues!!! What a slap in the face not to get a legendary on ultimate!

I still petition for once the “monolith near buy” messages appeares meaning you defeated the boss there should be a master switch to open dungeon up permantly. As they are now is a waste of time, if you choose to side with outcast you have those quest the diary quest too but after that who goes back? Who waste a blood of chthon to make keys? I’d rather waste bloods on random legendary vendor than to waste time in dungeon.

not sure what your definition of hard is then… dying is pretty much the definition of hard in an ARPG

Rewarding… hardly ever. Only time they are is for the one shot chest yet just last night doing SoT my reward for clearing it all was worthless blues!!! What a slap in the face not to get a legendary on ultimate!

big deal, you find legendaries elsewhere then, RNG is RNG. You got the guaranteed unique…

I still petition for once the “monolith near buy” messages appeares meaning you defeated the boss there should be a master switch to open dungeon up permantly. As they are now is a waste of time, if you choose to side with outcast you have those quest the diary quest too but after that who goes back? Who waste a blood of chthon to make keys? I’d rather waste bloods on random legendary vendor than to waste time in dungeon.

then don’t do them. Not sure what the problem with that concept is that you so vehemently rail against it

The MIs and the Aldritch items are a worthy reward IMO. Also, it’s a nice change of pace. If you aren’t searching for a Pulsing Shard, then Valbury is among the best places, reward wise, to farm Aetherial Rep…And frankly, when you grind rep long enough, you will definitely need a change of scenery eventually.

I would like the option to remove the key, or pay a bunch to break the gate or something, but I’m 100% fine with the once a session rule. I see little reason for that part to change…And if I saw a good reason other than convenience to remove the Keys, I’d have said so by now.