Valentine's Poetry from Cairn

Roses are Red
Aether fire is blue-ish
I need three pieces of Markovian’s
Can only find two, ugh

Roses are on the compass
Krieg is annoying
Lokkar gave me cupcakes
I wasn’t even trying!

That aura was red
and now I am dead
that’s HC number two
Gonna go play Stardew

Roses are red
Violets are red
The whole damn screen is red
These guys all have hats

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Please RNGesus
What I gotta do?

Roiling blood is red
Arcane sparks are blue
RNG sez:

:stuck_out_tongue: noice

Potions are red
Epics are blue
No punchline here;
Please nerf Mad Queen

Roses are red
Witchbalde’s good at violence
Theodin lies dead
Legendaries are violet