Vanquisher Set Drop-chance?

I have made 3 runs each (well after I got FG that is lol) of SoT, BoC, PV and AG and I have already dropped the Vanquisher set items from SoT, BoC and PV.

I am just super lucky so far or is the drop chance of these items very high?

Information for less nerdy players
The vanquisher set is a set that drops exclusively (can drop in Crucible and Shattered realm also?) from the boss room chests in the aforementioned rouge-like dungeons. And each dungeon can only drop one specific set item. Furthermore, these items can not be transmuted into other items within the same set.

It’s around 5% for each. I dropped the amulet, chest and helm just fine, but the shoulders took over 70 runs to get.

And yes, it can’t be transmuted. This also applies to Krieg and Dark One sets.

Thanks. How did you get that number btw?

So you need around 60 runs of one dungeon to be 95% certain to get at least one of those.

I know they cant be transmuted, it just included that as information, not as a question :stuck_out_tongue:

Dammit says that’s the chance for them to drop.

And i was just confirming what you said and also including other sets that are also not transmutable. Basically everything that drops from a specific place can’t be transmuted. :slight_smile:

Ah ok, it does not seem that one can get drop chances from chest based loot in grimtools (yet?)

Alkamos ring sets can not be transmuted either, for completeness.

I won’t ask why someone decided that farming this set would be fun :). Instead, could you, please, dear taken comrades, advise if drop chances or chests have recently changed? My luck has been too bad lately.

My number of runs until Vanquisher set pieces dropped:
AG: 1 (no kidding!)
SoT: 3 (yep, very lucky here too)
PV: ~10 (still quite lucky)
BoC: already over 80 and still no drop… that’s poetic justice I guess :wink:

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That’s just poetic :). I’ve got my first piece, the amulet, from the 1st attempt too. And nothing since that moment. I did not count, but at least 20 attempts were done, I believe. I don’t even care about trials’ chests any more.
At least, there is a challenge here: try to survive the boredom.

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I needed like 60 runs of BoC to get my last piece of the set, too… :smiley:

regarding your “challenge” to overcome boredom I would suggest switching it up as much as you can in as may ways as you can.

E.g. if you still lack 2 or even 3 different setpieces, switch between the different roguelikes a lot - or, if you have other characters strong enough to farm those: switch between those. Or take a break from roguelikes & do some crucible runs. Or, whilst you play, listen to music. Podcasts. Audiobooks.
That is, if you aren’t doing any of these things already.

The result is totally worth it, though - zooming around with VM on nigh-zero CD is pretty darn cool :wink:

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Does anyone know if you can receive the vanquisher set on other difficulties than ultimate? And is it the same drop chance?

Pretty sure it’s Ultimate only since it’s L94 and targetable.

it is only Ultimate

We know surely it drops from sr? I would try it if it’s true i did port laggburry around 50 times now i only need the headpiece. It’s laggburry afterall…

No, it only drops in the rogue dungeons. It won’t drop anywhere else.

well, thanks.

I try to farm the whole set on my last “ladder - reset” attempt. I got full ulzuin set before I found 3 pieces vanquisher. I found the whole forgotten god rogue like dungeon set before I got my 4pierce vanquisher and I could craft and finish some other sets before I found the 4th piece of the vanquisher.
IMO the drop chance is to low for a farmable set.