Version - Lokarr's Quest Chain - The Gloomwald Stash Dynamite Site missing after reloading the game - Solved

I gathered Nane’s Stash note and progressed through the story.
I don’t know if I blew up the dynamite site when I walked by it, but a few days later I started the Lokarr’s Secret Quest and went back to the Gloomwald to talk to the Blacksmith. The rock debris is still in the path and the Dynamite site is not available to blow it up.

I have verified files on my install and reloaded the game several times, including all three launcher options.

The note will still be in your journal if you pick it up on a lower difficulty, perhaps that is what happened? I’m sure you’ve tried, but I’d double check that you have opened the chest in Ultimate by rechecking the house or confirming the quest is complete in your log on Ultimate.

And welcome to the community!

That definitely seems to be it. For some reason I thought the note was in the cellar under the house and checked all the chests in there before. Looked it up again and found I was looking in the wrong place. Got the stash note and dynamite space. All I can guess is that I originally had done it on another character and confused it with this one.

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