Veteran Status

Can someone break down soldier veteran status for me so it’s stupid proof?

I have a platoon of guys I maintain for years on end. I send them out and they destroy raider camps. The never get veteran status. Sometimes a little bit of a star, but I don’t know what I’m getting it and it quickly goes away.

You get it only with raiders/invaders fights. Not trough raiders camps destroyed.

Pretty much it. However, that raises for me another question… Do Garrisons loose experience if members of the specific Garrison die of old age or by other means without being wiped out altogether?

Yes, unfortunly the veteran status is decreasing when a member dies and gets replaced.

Maybe the technology tree will contain one that allows troops to retain experience by training new members in a division for some time.

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That would be nice indeed.

Yeah. I feel like there needs to be a touch more detail on how this works so that we can maintain it more intentionally if we see fit.

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